

  1. 千葉, 西関, 斎藤, ``不確定性原理に基づく帯域制限パルス波形の考察,'' 信学論,53-A, 5, pp.213-220,1970.
  2. T. Nishizeki, M. Noyori and N. Saito, ``On the hybrid matrix oflinear passive network,'' Sci. Rep. Res. Inst. Tohoku Univ.,B-(Elect.Commun.), 24, 2, pp.69-86, 1972.
  3. 西関, 斎藤, ``枢軸変換を用いた無消散回路の合成,'' 信学論,55-A, 11, pp.633-634, 1972.
  4. 西関, 斎藤, ``分布定数素子を用いた基底帯域等化器,'' 信学論,55-A, 11, pp.631-632, 1972.
  5. 西関, 斎藤, ``ハイブリット行列の部分分数展開による合成,'' 信学論,55-A, 6, pp.315-316, 1972.
  6. 西関, 斎藤, ``Richardsハイブリット行列定理の合成への応用,'' 信学論,55-A, 6, pp.317-318, 1972.
  7. 西関, 斎藤, ``3-端子直並列グラフについて,'' 信学論,56-A, 10, pp.630-637, 1973.
  8. 西関,斎藤, ``変成器を含まない二端子対網の相互接続と位相幾何学的公式,'' 信学論,57-A, 2, pp.77-84, 1974.
  9. 西関, 斎藤, ``2-端子直並列グラフに関するDuffinの定理について,'' 信学論,57-A, 1, pp.70-72, 1974. 
  10. 西関, 斎藤, ``3-端子狭義直並列グラフの必要十分条件,'' 信学論,58-A, 5,pp.262-269, 1975.
  11. 西関, 斎藤, ``3-端子直並列縦続グラフについて,'' 信学論,58-A, 7,pp.403-410, 1975.
  12. T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Necessary and sufficient conditions for a graph to be three-terminal series-parallel in a narrow sense,'' Electronics and Communications in Japan, 58-A, 5, pp.1-8, 1975.
  13. T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Necessary and sufficient conditions for a graph to be three-terminal series-parallel,'' IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, CAS-22, 8, pp.648-653, 1975.
  14. 西関, 高見沢, 斎藤, ``直並列グラフ及びDチャートの判定法,'' 信学論,59-A, 3, pp.259-260, 1976.
  15. 浅野, 西関, 斎藤, ``最大カットセット及び2部グラフ化に関するNP-完全問題,'' 信学論,60-D, 7, pp.531-538, 1977.
  16. T. Asano, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``NP-complete problems of finding a maximum cutset and of reducing graphs to be bipartite graphs,'' Systems Computers Controls, 8, pp.45-52, 1977.
  17. 西関, 高見沢, 斎藤, ``GO TO 文最小プログラム記述の計算手数について,'' 信学論,60-D, 3, pp.201-208, 1977.
  18. 西関, 浅野, 斎藤, ``極大偶マトロイドについて,'' 信学論,60-A, 2, pp.192-198, 1977.
  19. 西関, 小川, 斎藤,``k極大カットの特徴付けと算法,'' 信学論,61-A, 5, pp.417-424, 1978.
  20. T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Necessary and sufficient conditions for a graph to be three-terminal series-parallel-cascade,'' J. of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 24, 3, pp.344-361, 1978.
  21. 高見沢, 滝内, 西関, 斎藤, ``ランダムグラフの統計解析,'' 情報処理,19, 8, pp.742-748, 1978.
  22. 滝内, 高見沢, 西関, 斎藤, ``グラフ処理プログラム-GRAMP-,'' 情報処理,19, 5, pp.428-435, 1978.
  23. T. Nishizeki, ``On the relationship between the genus and the cardinality of the maximum matchings of a graph,'' Discrete Mathematics,25, 2, pp.149-156, 1979.
  24. T. Nishizeki and I. Baybars, ``Lower bounds on the cardinality of themaximum matchings of planar graphs,'' Discrete Mathematics, 28, pp.255-267, 1979.
  25. 高見沢, 西関, 斎藤, ``直並列グラフと計算複雑度,'' 信学論,63-A, 9, pp.560-567, 1980.
  26. T. Asano, T. Nishizeki and T. Watanabe, ``An upper bound on the lengthof a Hamiltonian walk of a maximal planar graph,'' Journal of Graph Theory,4, 3, pp.315-336, 1980.
  27. K. Takamizawa, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``An algorithm for finding a short closed spanning walk in a graph,'' NETWORKS, 10, 3, pp.249-263, 1980.
  28. K. Takamizawa, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``An O($p^3$) algorithm for finding hamiltonian cycles in certain digraphs," J. of Information Processing,3, 2, pp.68-72, 1980.
  29. T. Akiyama, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``NP-completeness of the hamiltonian cycle problem for bipartite graphs,'' J. of Information Processing, 3, 2, pp.73-76, 1980.
  30. T. Nishizeki, ``A 1-tough nonhamiltonian maximal planar graph,''Discrete Mathematics, 30, pp.305-307, 1980.
  31. K. Takamizawa, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Combinatorial problems on series-parallel graphs,'' Discrete Applied Math., 3, pp.75-76, 1981.
  32. N. Chiba, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Applications of the Lipton and Tarjan's planar separator theorem,'' J. of Information Processing, 4, 4, pp.203-207, 1981.
  33. 千葉, 西関, 斎藤, ``グラフ変形操作の効率的アルゴリズム,'' 信学論,J64-D,10, pp.934-939, 1981.
  34. N. Chiba, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Efficient algorithms for graphalternations,'' Systems Computers Controls, 12, 5, pp.72-78, 1981.
  35. N. Chiba, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``A liner 5-coloring algorithm of planar graphs,'' Journal of Algorithms, 2, pp.317-327, 1981.
  36. T. Nishizeki, ``On the maximum matchings of regular multigraphs,''Discrete Mathematics, 37, pp.105-114, 1981.
  37. K. Takamizawa, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Linear-time computability of combinatorial problems on series-parallel graphs,'' J. Assoc. Compt. Mach., 29, 3, pp.623-641, 1982.
  38. 寺田, 西関, ``グラフの近似枝彩色アルゴリズム,'' 信学論,J65-D, 11,pp.1382-1389, 1982.
  39. 松本, 西関, 斎藤, ``平面グラフの多種フローを求める多項式時間アルゴリズム,'' 信学論,J65-A, 12, pp.1205-1212, 1982.
  40. N. Chiba, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``An approximation algorithm for themaximum independent set problem on planar graphs,'' SIAM J. on Computing,11, 4, pp.663-675, 1982.
  41. T. Nishizeki, T. Asano and T. Watanabe, ``An approximation algorithm for the hamiltonian walk problem on maximal planar graphs,'' Discrete AppliedMathematics, 5, pp.211-222, 1983.
  42. N. Chiba, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``An algorithm for finding a largeindependent set in planar graphs,'' NETWORKS, 13, pp.247-252, 1983.
  43. 中山, 西関, 斎藤, ``グラフ問題の計算時間の下界について,'' 信学論,J66-D, pp.1054-1061, 1983.
  44. 鈴木, 西関, 斎藤, ``格子グラフで枝素な道を求める線形時間アルゴリズム,'' 信学論,J66-A, pp.1072-1079, 1983.
  45. 松本, 西関, 斎藤, ``平面多種フローアルゴリズム,'' 信学論,J67-A, 1, pp.8-15, 1984.
  46. 西関, 佐藤, ``多重グラフの枝彩色アルゴリズム,'' 信学論,J-67-D, 4, pp.466-471, 1984.
  47. T. Asano, T. Nishizeki, J. Oxley and N. Saito, ``A note on the critical problem for matroids,'' European Journal of Combinatorics, 5, pp.93-97,1984.
  48. 千葉, 西関, 阿部, 小澤, ``PQ-木を用いた平面グラフ埋込みアルゴリズムについて,'' 信学論, J-67-A, 2, pp.87-94, 1984.
  49. N. Chiba, T. Nishizeki and T. Yamanouchi, ``Linear algorithms for convexdrawing of planar graphs,'' in ``Progress in Graph Theory'', (eds.) J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty, Academic Press, Tronto, pp.153-173, 1984.
  50. T. Asano, T. Nishizeki and P. D. Seymour, ``A note on nongraphic matroids,'' Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 37, 3, pp.290-293, 1984.
  51. T. Nishizeki, N. Saito and K. Suzuki, ``A linear-time routing algorithm for convex grids,'' IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided-Design, CAD-4, 1, pp.68-76, 1985.
  52. K. Matsumoto, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``An efficient algorithm for finding multicommodity flows in planar networks,'' SIAM J. on Computing, 14, 2,pp.289-302, 1985.
  53. N. Chiba and T. Nishizeki, ``Arboricity and subgraph listing algorithms,''SIAM J. on Computing, 14, 1, pp.210-223, 1985.
  54. N. Chiba, T. Nishizeki, S. Abe and T. Ozawa ``A linear algorithm for embedding planar graphs using PQ-trees,'' J. Comput. Sys. Sci., 30, 1, pp.54-76, 1985.
  55. 鈴木, 西関, 斎藤, ``平面多種フローと最短路,'' 信学論,J68-A, 3, pp.247-254, 1985.
  56. 鈴木, 西関, 斎藤, ``ある種の平面ネットワークに対する多種フローアルゴリズム,'' 信学論,J68-A, 9, pp.836-843, 1985.
  57. N. Chiba, K. Onoguchi and T. Nishizeki, ``Drawing planar graphs nicely,'' Acta Informatica, 22, pp.187-201, 1985.
  58. T. Nishizeki and K. Kashiwagi, ``An upper bound on the chromatic indexof multigraphs,'' in ``Graph Theory and its Applications to Algorithms andComputer Science'', (eds.) Y. Alavi et al., pp.595-604, John Wiley & Sons, 1985.
  59. H. Nakayama, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Lower bounds for combinatorialproblems on graphs,'' Journal of Algorithms, 6, pp.393-399, 1985.
  60. K. Matsumoto, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Planar multicommodity flows, maximum matchings and negative cycles,'' SIAM J. on Computing, 15, 2,pp.495-510, 1986.
  61. D. S. Hochbaum, T. Nishizeki and D. Shmoys, ``A better than ``best possible'' algorithm to edge color multigraphs,'' Journal of Algorithms, 7, pp.79-104, 1986.
  62. 上原, 西関, 岡本, 中村, ``マトロイド的アクセス構造を持つ秘密共有法,'' 信学論,J69-A, 9, pp.1124-1132, 1986.
  63. N. Chiba and T. Nishizeki, ``Theorem on paths in planar graphs,'' Journal of Graph Theory, 10, pp.449-450, 1986.
  64. 鈴木, 石黒, 西関, ``入れ子状長方形領域で辺素な道を求めるアルゴリズム,'' 信学論,J70-A, 2, pp.175-184, 1987.
  65. 中野, 西関, 斎藤, ``グラフのf彩色,'' 信学論,J70-A, 2, pp.164-174, 1987.
  66. H. Suzuki, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Algorithms for routing arounda rectangle (Extended Abstract),'' in Discrete Algorithms and Complexity, (eds.)D. S. Johnson, T. Nishizeki et al., Academic Press, pp.99-105, 1987.
  67. 中野, 西関, 斎藤, ``グラフのfg辺彩色数の上界,'' 信学論,J70-A, 10, pp.1463-1471, 1987.
  68. 鈴木, 石黒, 西関, ``入れ子状長方形格子グラフの辺素な道,'' 信学論,J70-A, 12, pp.175-184, 1987.
  69. S. Nakano, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``On the f-coloring of multigraphs,'' IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, 35, 3, pp.345-353, 1988.
  70. 伊藤, 斎藤, 西関, ``一般的アクセス構造を実現する秘密共有法,'' 信学論(A),J71-A, 8, pp.1592-1598, 1988.
  71. 鈴木, 赤間, 西関, ``平面グラフで内素な道を求めるアルゴリズム,'' 信学論(A),J71-A, 10, pp.1906-1916, 1988.
  72. 鈴木, 赤間, 西関, ``平面グラフで林を求めるアルゴリズム--各ネットの端子が指定された2つの面の片方にある場合--,'' 信学論(A),J71-A, 12,pp.2163-2171, 1988.
  73. 鈴木, 赤間, 西関, ``平面グラフで林を求めるアルゴリズム--指定された2つの面の両方にまたがるネットがある場合--,'' 信学論(A),J71-A, 10, pp.1897-1905, 1988.
  74. H. Suzuki, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Algorithms for multicommodity flows in planar graphs," Algorithmica, 4, pp.471-501, 1989.
  75. N. Chiba and T. Nishizeki, ``The hamiltonian cycle problem is lineartime solvable for 4-connected planar graphs,'' Journal of Algorithms, 10,pp.187-211, 1989.
  76. S. Nakano, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Upper bounds for the fg-chromatic index of graphs,'' Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 3, 72, 2, pp.54-64, 1989.
  77. M. Ito, A. Saito and T. Nishizeki, ``Secret sharing scheme realizinggeneral access structure,'' Electronics and Communications in Japan,Part 3, 72, 9, pp.1592-1598, 1989.
  78. H. Suzuki, N. Takahashi and T. Nishizeki, ``A linear algorithm forbipartition of biconnected graphs,'' Information Processing Letters,Vol. 33, 5, pp.227-231, 1990.
  79. 鈴木, 高橋, 西関, 宮野, 上野, ``3-連結グラフの3分割アルゴリズム,'' 情報処理,31, 5, pp.584-592, 1990.
  80. H. Suzuki, A. Ishiguro and T. Nishizeki, ``Edge-disjoint paths in a gridbounded by two nested rectangles,'' Discrete Applied Math., 27, pp.157-178, 1990.
  81. T. Nishizeki, ``Planar graphs problems,'' Computer, Supp. 7, pp.53-68, 1990.
  82. M. Chrobak and T. Nishizeki, ``Improved edge-coloring algorithms forplanar graphs,'' Journal of Algorithms, 11, pp.102-116, 1990.
  83. S. Nakano, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``On the fg-coloringof graphs,'' Combinatorica, 10, pp.67-80, 1990.
  84. T. Nishizeki and K. Kashiwagi, ``On the 1.1 edge-coloring of multigraphs,'' SIAM J. on Discr. Math., 3, pp.391-410, 1990.
  85. 中野, 西関, ``グラフを$fg$辺彩色する近似アルゴリズム,''日本応用数理学会論文誌,Vol.1 No.3, pp.195-211, 1991.
  86. H. Suzuki, A. Ishiguro and T. Nishizeki, ``Variable-priority queue and doughnut routing,'' Journal of Algorithms, 13, pp.606-635, 1992.
  87. A. Frank, T. Nishizeki, N. Saito, H. Suzuki and E. Tardos,``Algorithms for routing around a rectangle,'' Discrete Applied Mathematics, 40, pp.363-378, 1992.
  88. M. Ito, A. Saito and T. Nishizeki, ``Multiple assignment scheme for sharing secret,'' J. Cryptology, 6, pp.15-20, 1993.
  89. S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki, ``Scheduling file transfers under port and channel constraints,'' Int'l Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 4, 2, pp.101-115, 1993.
  90. 中野, 西関, 斉藤, ``グラフの辺を$f$彩色する近似アルゴリズム,''日本応用数理学会論文誌,Vol.3, No.4, pp.279-307, 1993.
  91. 高橋, 鈴木, 西関, ``平面グラフで長さの総和最小な非交差道を求めるアルゴリズム,'' 信学論(A), Vol.J77-A, No.3, pp.447-459, 1994.
  92. N. Kanamaru, T. Nishizeki and Te. Asano, ``Efficient enumeration of gridpoints in a convex polygon and its application to integer programming,''International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications,Vol.4, No.1, pp.69-85, 1994.
  93. 中野, 小熊, 西関, ``グラフを$c-$三角化する線形時間アルゴリズム,''信学論(A),Vol.J77-A, No.3, pp.543-546, 1994.
  94. S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki, ``Edge-coloring problems for graphs,''Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Vol.I, No.1, pp.19-32, 1994.
  95. E. Chida, H. Shizuya and T. Nishizeki,``One-way functions over finite near-rings,''IEICE Transactions, E78-A, 1, pp.4-10, 1995.
  96. T. Nishizeki and S. Poljak, ``$k$-connectivity and decompositionof graphs into forests,'' Discrete Applied Mathematics, 55, pp.295-301, 1994.
  97. 高橋, 鈴木, 西関, ``平面領域で長さの総和最小な非交差道を求めるアルゴリズム,'' J78-A, 3, pp.391-400, 1995.
  98. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Optimal parallel algorithms foredge-coloring partial $k$-trees with bounded degrees,''IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E78-A, 4, pp.463-469, 1995.
  99. 中野, 鈴木, 西関, ``グラフの辺彩色アルゴリズム,'' 電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J78-D-I No.5, pp.437-444, 1995.
  100. 草苅, 鈴木, 西関, ``障害物と交差領域のある平面上での最短な2本の道,''日本応用数理学会論文誌,Vol.5, No.4, pp.381-398, 1995.
  101. X. Zhou, N. Nagai and T. Nishizeki, ``Generalized vertex-rankings of trees,'' Information Processing Letters, 56, pp.321-328, 1995.
  102. X. Zhou, H. Suzuki and T. Nishizeki, ``A linear algorithm for edge-coloring series-parallel multigraphs,'' Journal of Algorithms, 20, pp.174-201, 1996.
  103. E. Chida, T. Nishizeki, M. Ohmori and H. Shizuya, ``On the one-way algebraic homomorphism,'' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E79-A, No.1, pp.54-60, 1996.
  104. 岩井, 鈴木, 西関, ``軸平行多角形障害物がある平面上の最短路,''電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J79-D-I, No.7, pp.409-415, 1996.
  105. J. Takahashi, H. Suzuki and T. Nishizeki,``Shortest noncrossing paths in plane graphs,''Algorithmica, 16, pp.339-357, 1996.
  106. X. Zhou, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki, ``Edge-coloring partial $k$-trees,'' Journal of Algorithms, 21, pp.598-617, 1996.
  107. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``An NC parallel algorithm foredge-colorings series-parallel multigraphs,'' Journal of Algorithms,23, pp.359-374, 1997
  108. S. Nakano, M. S. Rahman and T. Nishizeki, ``A linear-time algorithm for four-artitioning four-connectedplanar graphs,'' Information Processing Letters,62, pp.315-322, 1997.
  109. 服部, 中野, 西関, ``単純多角形のサーチライトスケジューリング,''日本応用数理学会論文誌, Vol.7, No.3, pp.265-279, 1997.
  110. J. Takahashi, H. Suzuki and T. Nishizeki,``Shortest noncrossing rectilinear paths in plane regions,''International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications,Vol.7, No.5, pp.419-436, 1997.
  111. X. Zhou, M. A. Kashem, T. Nishizeki, ``Generalized edge-rankings of trees,''IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E81-A, No.2, pp.310-320, 1998.
  112. 水木, 静谷, 西関, ``カードの配布によるオイラー閉路状鍵共有,''電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J81-A, No.4, pp.703-713, 1998.
  113. 水木, 静谷, 西関, ``最小枚数のカードの配布によるオイラー閉路状鍵共有,''電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J81-A, No.4, pp.714-723, 1998.
  114. 水木, 静谷, 西関, ``最短なオイラー閉路状鍵共有,''電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J81-A, No.4, pp.724-732, 1998.
  115. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Rectangular grid drawings of plane graphs,''Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications,Vol.10, pp.203-220, 1998.
  116. 草苅, 西関, ``端子からの$L_1$距離の和が最小な領域を求めるアルゴリズム,''日本応用数理学会論文誌, Vol.8, No.4, pp.469-496, 1998.
  117. 水木, 静谷, 西関, ``秘密鍵共有に必要なカードの配布枚数に関する必要十分条件,''電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J82-A, No.1, pp.90-103, 1999.
  118. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Decompositions to degree-constrained subgraphs are simplyreducible to edge-colorings,'' Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 75, pp.270--287, 1999.
  119. 中野, 西関, ``グラフの自動描画,''電子情報通信学会誌,Vol.82, No.2, pp.175-180, 1999.
  120. 近江, 静谷, 西関, ``離散対数暗号系に付随する言語の複雑さについて,''電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.82, No.3, pp.405--414, 1999.
  121. Y. Kusakari, H. Suzuki, T. Nishizeki``A shortest pair of paths on the plane with obstacles and crossing areas,"Computation Geometry & Applications, Vol.9, No.2, pp.151--170, 1999.
  122. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Edge-coloring and f-coloring for various classes of graphs,"Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications,Vol.3, No.1, pp.1--18, 1999.
  123. S. Isobe, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``A polynomial-time algorithm for finding total colorings of partial $k$-trees,"International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,Vol.10, No.2, pp.171--194, 1999.
  124. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``A linear algorithm for bend-optimal orthogonaldrawings of triconnected cubic plane graphs,''J. of Graph Algorithms and Applications,Vol.3, No.3,pp.31-62, 1999.
  125. K. Miura, D. Takahashi, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``A linear-time algorithm to find four independent spanning trees in four connected planar graphs,"International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,Vol.10, No.2, pp.195-210, 1999.
  126. X. Zhou, S. Tamura and T. Nishizeki,``Finding edge-disjoint paths in partial $k$-trees,"Algorithmica, 26, pp.3-30, 2000.
  127. T. Mizuki, H. Shizuya and T. Nishizeki,``Sharing secret keys along an Eulerian circuit,"Electronics and Communications in Japan,Part 3, Vol.83, No.4, pp.703-713, 2000.
  128. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Graph coloring algorithms,"IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst.,Vol.E83-D, No.3, pp.407-417, 2000.
  129. T. Mizuki, Z. B. Sui, H. Shizuya and T. Nishizeki,``On the average length of secret key exchange Eulerian circuits,"IEICE Trans. Fundamentals,Vol.E83-A, No.4, pp.662-670, 2000.
  130. X. Zhou, Y. Kanari and T. Nishizeki,``Generalized vertex-colorings of partial $k$-trees,"IEICE Trams. Fundamentals,Vol.E83-A, No.4, pp.671-678, 2000.
  131. X. Zhou, K. Fuse, and T. Nishizeki,``A linear algorithm for finding [$g,f$]-coloringsof partial $k$-trees,"Algorithmica, 27, pp.227-243, 2000.
  132. 水木, 静谷, 西関,``カードの配布による鍵集合プロトコルが最適であるための必要十分条件,"電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J38-A, No.5, pp.545-553, 2000.
  133. M. A. Kashem, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Algorithms for generalized vertex-rankingsof partial $k$-trees,"Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.240,pp.407-427, 2000.
  134. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Box-rectangular drawings of plane graphs,"Journal of Algorithms 37, pp.363-398, 2000.
  135. Y. Kusakari, D. Masubuchi and T. Nishizeki,``Finding a noncrossing Steiner forest in plane graphs under a 2-face condition,"Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 5, pp.249-266, 2001.
  136. K. Miura, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Grid drawings of 4-connected plane graphs,"Discrete & Computational Geometry, 26, pp.73-87, 2001.
  137. T. Nishizeki, J. Vygen and X. Zhou, ``The edge-disjoint paths problem is NP-complete forseries-parallel graphs,''Discrete Applied Math., 155, pp.177-186, 2001.
  138. T. Mizuki and T. Nishizeki,``Necessary and sufficient numbers of cards forsharing secret keys on hierarchical groups,"IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst.,Vol.E85-D, No.2, pp.333-345, 2002.
  139. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Rectangular drawings of plane graphs without designated corners,"Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications,21, pp.121-138, 2002.
  140. T. Mizuki, H. Shizuya and T. Nishizeki,``A complete characterization of a family ofkey exchange protocols,"Int. J. Information Security,1, pp.131-142, 2002.
  141. Y. Kusakari, M. Sato and T. Nishizeki,``Planar reconfiguration of monotone trees,"IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E85-A, No.5, pp.938-943, 2002.
  142. A. Koike, S. Nakano, T. Nishizeki, T. Tokuyama and S. Watanabe,``Labeling points with rectangles of various shapes,"International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications,Vol.12, No.6, pp.511-528, 2002.
  143. T. Fijino, I. Isobe, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Linear algorithm for finding list edge-coloringsof series-parallel graphs,"IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst.,Vol.E86-D, No.2, pp.186-190, 2003.
  144. T. Ito, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Algorithms for multicolorings of partial $k$-trees,"IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst.,Vol.E86-D, No.2, pp.191-200, 2003.
  145. Y. Kusakari and T. Nishizeki,``Finding a region with the minimum total$L_{1}$ distance from prescribed terminals,''Algorithmica, 35, pp.225-256, 2003.
  146. 小泉, 水木, 西関,``量子カード配布,''電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J86-A, No.4, pp.465-473, 2003.
  147. T. Fujino, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``List edge-colorings of series-parallel graphs,''IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E86-A, No.5,pp.1034-1045, 2003.
  148. S. Orihara, T. Mizuki and T. Nishizeki,``New security index for digital fingerprintingand its bounds,''IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E86-A, No.5,pp.1156-1163, 2003.
  149. M. Hasan, M. S. Rahman and T. Nishizeki,``A linear algorithm for compact box-drawings of trees,"NETWORKS, vol.42(3), pp.160-164, 2003.
  150. T. Mizuki, H. Shizuya and T. Nishizeki,``Characterization of optimal key set protocols,"Discrete Applied Mathematics, 131, pp.213-236, 2003.
  151. M. S. Rahman, T. Nishizeki and M. Naznin,``Orthogonal drawings of plane graphs without bends,''Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications,Vol.7, No.4, pp. 335-362, 2003.
  152. M. S. Rahman, T. Nishizeki and S. Ghosh,``Rectangular drawings of planar graphs,''Journal of Algorithms, 50, pp.62-78, 2004.
  153. T. Nishizeki, K. Miura and M. S. Rahman,``Algorithms for drawing plane graphs,''IEICE Trans. INF. & SYST., Vol.E87-D, No.2, pp.281-289, 2004.
  154. S. Isobe, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Cost total colorings of trees,''IEICE Trans. INF. & SYST., Vol.E87-D, No.2, pp.337-342, 2004.
  155. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Multicolorings of series-parallel graphs,''Algorithmica, 38, pp.271-297, 2004.
  156. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Algorithm for the cost edge-coloring of trees,''Journal of Combinatorial Optimization,8, pp.97-108, 2004.
  157. M. S. Rahman, N. Egi and T. Nishizeki,``No-bend orthogonal drawings of subdivisions of planartriconnected cubic graphs,''IEICE Trans. INF. & SYST., Vol.E88-D, No.1, pp.23-30, 2005.
  158. X. Zhou, Y. Matsuo and T. Nishizeki,``List total colorings of series-parallel graphs,''Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Vol.3, pp.47-60, 2005.
  159. K. Miura, M. Azuma and T. Nishizeki,``Canonical decomposition, realizer, Schnyder labeling and orderly spanning trees of plane graphs,''International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,Vol.16, No.1, pp.117-141, 2005.
  160. T. Ito, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Partitioning trees of supply and demand,''International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,Vol.16, No.4, pp.803-827, 2005.
  161. K. Banno, S. Orihara, T. Mizuki and T. Nishizeki,``Security index for digital fingerprinting,''IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E-89-A, No.1, pp.169-177, 2006.
  162. T. Ito, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Partitioning a graph of bounded tree-width to connected subgraphs of almost uniform size,''Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Vol.4, pp. 142-154, 2006.
  163. K. Miura, H. Haga and T. Nishizeki,``Inner rectangular drawings of plane graphs,''International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications,Vol.16, Nos.2 & 3, pp.249-270, 2006.
  164. K. Miura, S.-I. Nakano and T. Nishizeki, ``Convex grid drawings of four-connected plane graphs,'' International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol.17, No.5, pp.1032-1060, 2006.
  165. K. Miura, M. Azuma and T. Nishizeki, ``Convex drawings of plane graphs of minimum outer apices,'' International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol.17, No.5, pp.1115-1127, 2006.
  166. Y. Asano, T. Nishizeki, M. Toyoda and M. Kitsuregawa, ``Mining communities on the web using a max-flow and site-oriented framework,'' IEICE Trans. INF. & SYST., Vol.E89-D, No.10, pp.2606-2615, 2006.
  167. T. Ito, K. Goto, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Partitioning a multi-weighted graph to connected subgraphs of almost uniform size,'' IEICE Trans. INF. & SYST., Vol.E90-D, No.2, pp.449-456, 2007.
  168. T. Ito, A. Kato, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Algorithms for finding distance-edge-colorings of graphs,'' Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Vol.5, No.2, pp.304-322, 2007.
  169. Y. Matsuo, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Sufficient condetion and Algorithm for list total colorings of series-paralle graphs,'' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E90-A, No.5, pp.907-916, 2007.
  170. S. Isobe, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Total colorings of degenerate graphs,'' Combinatorica, Vol.27, No.2, pp.167-182, 2007.
  171. K. Koizumi, T. Mizuki and T. Nishizeki, ``A revised transformation protocol for unconditionally secure secret key exchange,'' Theory of Computing Systems, Vol.42, No.2, pp.187-221, 2008.
  172. Y. Asano, Y. Tezuka and T. Nishizeki, ``Improvements of HITS algorithms for spam links,'' IEICE Trans. INF. & SYST., Vol.E91-D, No.2, pp.200-208, 2008.
  173. K. Miura, A. Kamada and T. Nishizeki, ``Convex grid drawings of plane graphs with rectangular contours,'' J. Graph Alg. and Appl., Vol.12, No.2, pp.197-224, 2008. [pdf]
  174. T. Ito, E. D. Demaine, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Approximability of partitioning graphs with supply and demand,'' Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Vol.6, No.4, pp.627-650, 2008.
  175. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Orthogonal drawings of series-parallel graphs with minimum bends,'' SIAM J. Discrete Math., Vol.22, No.4, pp.1570-1604, 2008. [pdf]
  176. Md. S. Rahman, K. Miura and T. Nishizeki, ``Octagonal drawings of plane graphs with prescribed face areas,'' Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Vol.42, No.3, pp.214-230, 2009. [pdf]
  177. K. Miura, T. Matsuno and T. Nishizeki, ``Open rectangle-of-influence drawings of inner triangulated plane graphs,'' Discrete and Computational Geometry, 41, pp.643-670, 2009.
  178. T. Ito, X, Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Partitioning graphs of supply and demand,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157, pp.2620-2633, 2009.
  179. Y. Asano, Y. Miyawaki and T. Nishizeki, ``Efficient compression of web graphs,'' IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E92-A, No.10, pp.2454-2462, 2009.
  180. T. Mizuki, H. Tsubata and T. Nishizeki, ``Minimizing AND-EXOR Expressions for Two-Variable Multiple-Valued Input Binary Output Functions,'' Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol.16, No.1-2, pp.197-208, 2010.


  1. T. Nishizeki, H. Ogawa and N. Saito, ``Computational complexity of $k$-maximal cuts,'' Proc. of 15th Allerton Conf. on Commun., Contr. and Comput., pp.567-576, 1977.
  2. T. Nishizeki, ``Lower bound on the cardinality of the maximum matchingsof graphs,'' Proc. of 9th South-Eastern Conf. on Combinatorics, GraphTheory and Computing, pp.527-547, 1977.
  3. T. Nishizeki, ``Lower bound on the cardinality of the maximum matchings of regular multigraphs,'' Proc. of 1979 Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, pp.443-444, 1979.
  4. T. Asano, T. Nishizeki and T. Watanabe, ``On the hamiltonian walks ofmaximal planar graphs,'' Proc. of 1979 Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems,pp.449-452, 1979.
  5. T. Ozawa and T. Nishizeki, ``Properties of certain types of randomgraphs,'' Proc. of 1979 Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, pp.88-91, 1979.
  6. N. Chiba and T. Nishizeki, ``The hamiltonian cycle problem is linear timesolvable for 4-connected planar graphs,'' Proc. of Int. Symp. on Circuitsand Systems, pp.961-964, 1985.
  7. H. Suzuki, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Multicommodity flows in planarundirected graphs and shortest paths,'' Proc. of 17th Ann. ACM SIGACT Symp. on Theory of Computing, pp.195-204, 1985.
  8. H. Suzuki, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``Multicommodity flows in planarundirected graphs,'' Proc. of Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, pp.1643-1646, 1985.
  9. M. Ito, A Saito and T. Nishizeki, ``Secret sharing scheme realizinggeneral access structure,'' Proc. Global Telecoms. Conf., pp.99-102, 1987.
  10. T. Nishizeki, S. Nakano and N. Saito, ``Scheduling file transfersin networks,'' Proc. Global Telecoms. Conf., pp.2109-2113, 1987.
  11. H. Suzuki, T. Nishizeki and N. Saito, ``A variable priority queueand its applications to multicommodity flows,'' Proc. 13th IFIP Conf. System Modelling and Optimization, p.41, 1987.
  12. H. Suzuki, T. Akama and T. Nishizeki, ``Steiner forests in planar graphs,'' International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, WE/3G3, 1988.
  13. H. Suzuki, T. Akama and T. Nishizeki, ``Finding Steiner forests in planar graphs,'' Proc. of 1st Annual ACM-SIAM Sympo. on Discrete Algorithms, pp.444-453, 1990.
  14. H. Suzuki, C. Yamanaka and T. Nishizeki, ``Parallelalgorithms for finding Steiner forests in planar graphs,'' Proc. of SIGAL'90, Lect. Notes in Compt. Sci., Springer-Verlag, pp.458-467, 1990.
  15. S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki, ``Scheduling file transfers under port and channel constraints,'' Proc. of ISA'90, Lect. Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 557, pp.43-51, 1991.
  16. X. Zhou, S. Nakano, H. Suzuki and T. Nishizeki, ``An efficient algorithm for edge-coloring series-parallel multigraphs,'' Proc. of LATIN'92, I. Simon(Ed.), Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci, Springer-verlag, 583, pp.516-529, 1992.
  17. N. Kanamaru, T. Nishizeki and Te. Asano, ``Efficient enumeration of grid points in a polygon and its application to integer programming,'' Proc. of Second Conf. on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, pp.61-71, Carnegie-Mellon Univ. Publ., 1992.
  18. J. Takahashi, H. Suzuki and T. Nishizeki, ``Algorithms for finding non-crossing paths with minimum total length in plane graphs,'' Proc. of ISAAC'92, Lect. Notesin Comput. Sci, Springer-verlag, 650, pp.400-409, 1992.
  19. S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Nearly uiform scheduling of file transfers,'' Proc. ofThird IPCO Conference, G. Rinaldi and L. Wolsey(Eds.), pp.425-431, 1993.
  20. X. Zhou, H. Suzuki and T. Nishizeki,``Sequential and parallel algorithms for edge-coloring series-parallel multigraphs,'' Third IPCO Conference, G. Rinaldi and L. Wolsey(Eds.), pp.129-145,1993.
  21. X. Zhou, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``A linear algorithm for edge-coloring partial $k$-trees,''Proc.~ of ESA'93, Lect. Notesin Comput. Sci, Springer-verlag, 726, pp.409-418, 1993.
  22. J. Takahashi, H. Suzuki and T. Nishizeki,``Finding shortest non-crossing rectilinearpaths in plane regions,'' Proc. of ISAAC'93, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci, Springer-verlag, 762, pp.98-107, 1993.
  23. S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Uniform scheduling of file transfers,''第7回回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ,pp.327-332, 1994.
  24. X. Zhou, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``A parallel algorithm for edge-coloring partial $k$-trees,'' Proc. of SWAT'94, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci,Springer-verlag, 824, pp.359-369, 1994.
  25. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Edge-coloring and $f$-coloring for various classes of graphs,'' Proc. of ISAAC'94, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci,Springer-verlag, 834, pp.199-207, 1994.
  26. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``An efficient algorithm for edge-ranking trees,'' Proc. of ESA'94, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci,Springer-verlag, 855, pp.118-129, 1994.
  27. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Optimal parallel algorithm for edge-coloring partial $k$-treeswith bounded degrees,'' Proc. of ISPAN, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.167-174, 1994.
  28. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Finding optimal edge-rankings of trees,'' Proc. of JSPS-NUS Seminar on Computing, (eds.) H. Imai, W. F. Wong, K. F. Loe, ``Advances in Computing Techniques,''World Scientific, pp.23-35, 1994.
  29. X. Zhou, M. A. Kashem and T. Nishizeki, ``How to assembleTinkerToys fast in parallel -Generalized edge-rankings of trees-,''Proc. of 7th RAMP, pp.1-12, 1995.
  30. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Finding optimal edge-rankings of trees,'' Proc. of 6th SODA, ACM & SIAM,pp.122-131, 1995.
  31. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Simple reduction of $f$-colorings to edge-colorings,'' Proc. of COCOON'95, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., 959,pp. 223-228, 1995.
  32. S. Nakano, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Edge-coloring algorithms,'' Computer Science Today, LNCS 1000,pp.172-183, 1995.
  33. Y. Kusakari, H. Suzuki and T. Nishizeki,``Finding a shortest pair of paths on the plane with obstacles andcrossing areas,'' Proc. of ISAAC'95, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., 1004,pp. 42-51, 1995.
  34. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Algorithms for finding $f$-colorings of partial $k$-trees,'' Proc. of ISAAC'95, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., 1004,pp.332-341, 1995.
  35. X. Zhou, S. Tamura and T. Nishizeki, ``Finding edge-disjoint paths inpartial $k$-Trees,'' ISAAC'96, LNCS 1178, pp.203-212, 1996.
  36. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Rectangular grid drawings of plane graphs,'' Proc. of COCOON'96, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., 1090,pp. 92-105, 1996.
  37. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``A linear-time algorithm of four-partitioningfour-connected plane graphs,'' Proc. of GD'96, Lect. Notes in Com. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 1190,pp. 334-344, 1996.
  38. X. Zhou, M. A. Kashem and T. Nishizeki,``Generalized edge-rankings of trees,'' Proc. of WG'96, Lect. Notes in Com. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 1197,pp. 390-404, 1997.
  39. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``A linear-time algorithm of orthogonal drawings of triconnectedcubic plane graphs with the minimum number of bends,''Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation,Kyushu University, pp. 24-31, 1997.
  40. M. A. Kashem, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``An NC parallel algorithm for generalized vertex-rankings ofpartial $k$-Trees,''Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation,Kyushu University, pp.128-135, 1997.
  41. M. A. Kashem, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Generalized vertex-rankings ofpartial $k$-trees,'' Lect. Notes in Com. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 1276, Third Annual International Conference (COCOON'97), Shanghai, China, pp. 212-221, 1997.
  42. Y. Kusakari and T. Nishizeki,``An algorithm for finding a region with the minimumtotal $L_1$ from prescribed terminals,''Proc. of ISAAC'97, Singapore, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., Springer-verlag, 1350, pp. 324--333, 1997.
  43. M. A. Kashem, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``An NC parallel algorithm for generalized vertex-rankings of partial $k$-trees,'' Proc. of International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN'97), pp.105--111, 1997.
  44. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``A linear-time algorithm of optimal orthogonaldrawings of triconnected cubic plane graphs,'' Proc. of GD'97, Lect. Notes in Com. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 1353,pp. 99-110, 1997.
  45. T. Mizuki, H. Shizuya and T. Nishizeki,``Eulerian secret key exchange,''Proc. of COCOON'98, Lect. Notes in Com. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 1449, pp. 349--360, 1998.
  46. S. Isobe, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``A polynominal-time algorithm for finding total colorings of partial $k$-trees,''Proc. of WG'98, Lect. Notes in Com. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 1517, pp. 100-113, 1998.
  47. K. Miura, D. Takahashi, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``A linear-time algorithm to find four independent spanningtrees in four-connected planar graphs,''Proc. of WG'98, Lect. Notes in Com. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 1517, pp. 310-323, 1998.
  48. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``The edge-disjoint paths problem is NP-completefor partial $k$-trees,''ISAAC'98, Lect. Notes in Com. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 1533, pp.417--426, 1998.
  49. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Box-rectangular drawings with designated four corners,''Proc. of ICCIT'98, pp. 37--41, 1998.
  50. M. A. Kashem, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Algorithms for generalized edge-rankings of partial $k$-treeswith bounded maximum degree,''Proc. of ICCIT'98, pp.45--51, 1998.
  51. J. Vygen, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``The edge-disjoint paths problem is NP-completefor series-parallel graphs,'' Proc. of the 1st Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on DiscreteMathematics and Its Applications, pp. 103-110, 1999.
  52. T. Mizuki, H. Shizuya and T. Nishizeki,``Dealing necessary and sufficient numbers of cardsfor sharing a one-bit secret key,''Proc. of EUROCRYPT'99,Lect. Notes in Com. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 1592, pp. 389--401, 1999.
  53. K. Miura, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Grid drawings of four-connected plane graphs,''Proc. of GD'99, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 1731, pp. 145-154, 1999.
  54. S. Isobe, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``A linear algorithm for finding total coloringsof partial $k$-trees,''Proc. of ISAAC'99, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 1741, pp. 347-356, 1999.
  55. Y. Kusakari, D. Masubuchi and T. Nishizeki,``Algorithm for finding noncrossing Steiner forests inplane graphs,'' Proc. of ISAAC'99, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,1741, pp. 337-346, 1999.
  56. M. S. Rahman, M. Naznin, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Orthogonal drawings of biconnected plane graphswithout bends,'' Proc. of ICCIT'99, pp. 199-203, 1999.
  57. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Rectangular drawings of plane graphs withoutdesignated corners,'' Proc. of ICCIT'99, pp. 244-248,1999.
  58. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Box-rectangular drawings of plane graphs,''Proc. of Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms andComputation, pp. 72-79, 1999.
  59. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Box-rectangular drawings of plane graphs,''Proc. of WG'99, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 1665, pp. 250-261, 1999.
  60. T. Mizuki, Z. Sui, H. Shizuya and T. Nishizeki,``On the average length of secret key exchange Eulerian circuits,''Proc. of Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation,pp. 41-48, 2000.
  61. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Rectangular drawings of plane graphs without designated corners,''Proc. of Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation,pp. 130-137, 2000.
  62. M. S. Rahman, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Rectangular drawings of plane graphs without designated corners,''Proc. of COCOON 2000, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,1858, pp. 85-94, 2000.
  63. T. Mizuki, H. Shizuya and T. Nishizeki,``Characterization of optimal key set protocols,''Proc. of IFIP TCS 2000, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,1872, pp. 273-285, 2000.
  64. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Finding independent spanning trees in partial $k$-trees,''Proc. of ISAAC 2000, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,1969, pp. 168-179, 2000.
  65. K. Miura, S. Nakano and T. Nishizeki,``Convex grid drawings of four-connected plane graphs,''Proc. of ISAAC 2000, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,1969, pp. 254-265, 2000.
  66. S. Nakano, T. Nishizeki, T. Tokuyama and S. Watanabe,``Labeling points with rectangles of various shapes,''Proc. of GD 2000, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,1984, pp. 91-102, 2001.
  67. K. Miura and T. Nishizeki,``Drawings of four-connected plane graphs,''Proc. of 2nd Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics andIts Applications, pp. 191-201, 2001.
  68. S. Isobe, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Total colorings of degenerated graphs,''Proc. of ICALP 2001, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 2076, pp. 506-517, 2001.
  69. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Algorithm for the cost edge-coloring of trees,''Proc. of COCOON 2001, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 2108, pp. 228-297, 2001.
  70. T. Mizuki and T. Nishizeki,``Necessary and sufficient numbers of cardsfor sharing secret keys on hierarchical groups,''Proc. of ISAAC 2001, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 2223, pp. 196-207, 2001.
  71. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Efficient algorithms for weighted colorings ofseries-parallel graphs,''Proc. of ISAAC 2001, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 2223, pp. 514-524, 2001.
  72. M. S. Rahman, M. Naznin and T. Nishizeki,``Orthogonal drawings of plane graphs without bends (Extended Abstract),''Proc. of GD 2001, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,2265, pp. 392-406, 2002.
  73. T. Ito, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Algorithms for the multicolorings ofpartial $k$-trees,''Proc. of COCOON 2002, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,2387, pp. 430-439, 2002.
  74. M. Hasan, M. S. Rahman and T. Nishizeki,``A linear algorithm for compact box-drawings of trees,''Abstracts for 14th CCCG 2002, pp. 154-157, 2002.
  75. K. Miura, M. S. Rahman and T. Nishizeki,``Algorithms for drawing plane graphs,''Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Parallel and Distributed Computing,Applications and Technologies, pp. 143-150, 2002.
  76. M. S. Rahman, T. Nishizeki and S. Ghosh,``Rectangular drawings of planar graphs,"Proc. of GD 2002, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,2528, pp. 244-255, 2002.
  77. K. Miura, A. Miyazawa and T. Nishizeki,``Extended rectangular drawings of planar graphs withdesignated corners,'' Proc. of GD 2002, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 2528, pp. 256-267, 2002.
  78. T. Ito, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Partitioning trees of supply and demand,''Proc. of ISAAC 2002, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,2518, pp. 612-623, 2002.
  79. M. S. Rahman and T. Nishizeki,``Bend-minimum orthogonal drawingsof plane 3-graphs,'' Proc. of WG 2002, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 2573, pp. 367-378, 2002.
  80. T. Fujino, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``List edge-colorings of series-parallel graphs,"Proc. of 3rd Hungarian-Japanese Symposiumon Discrete Math. and Its Applications,pp. 154-163, 2003.
  81. K. Koizumi, T. Mizuki and T. Nishizeki,``Necessary and sufficient numbers of cards forthe transformation protocol,"Proc. 7th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, pp. 124-137, 2003.
  82. X. Zhou, Y. Matsuo and T. Nishizeki,``Complexity and algorithm of list total coloringsof series-parallel graphs,"Proc. 7th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, pp. 189-202, 2003.
  83. N. Egi, M. S. Rahman and T. Nishizeki,``Algorithm for no-bend orthogonal drawingsof subdivisions of planar triconnected cubic graphs,"Proc. 7th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, pp. 252-266, 2003.
  84. X. Zhou, Y. Matsuo and T. Nishizeki,``List total colorings of series-parallel graphs,"Proc. of COCOON 2003, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,2697, pp. 172-181, 2003.
  85. T. Nishizeki,``Drawing plane graphs,''Proc. of ISAAC 2003, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,2906, pp. 2-5, 2003.
  86. M. S. Rahman, N. Egi and T. Nishizeki,``No-bend orthogonal drawings of subdivisions ofplanar triconnected cubic graphs,''Proc. of GD 2003, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,2912, pp. 387-392, 2004.
  87. Y. Asano and T. Nishizeki,``Web-linkage viewer: drawing links in the web based on asite-oriented framework,''Proc. of GD 2003, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,2912, pp. 498-499, 2004.
  88. K. Koizumi, T. Mizuki and T. Nishizeki,``Necessary and sufficient numbers of cards for the transformation protocol,''Proc. of COCOON 2004, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,3106, pp. 92-101, 2004.
  89. K. Miura, M. Azuma and T. Nishizeki,``Canonical decomposition, realizer,Schnyder labeling and orderly spanning treesof plane graphs (extended abstract),''Proc. of COCOON 2004, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,3106, pp. 309-318, 2004.
  90. K. Miura, H. Haga and T. Nishizeki,``Inner rectangular drawings of plane graphs (extended abstract),''Proc. of ISAAC 2004, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,3341, pp. 693-704, 2004.
  91. M. S. Rahman, K. Miura and T. Nishizeki,``Octagonal drawings of plane graphs with prescribed face areas,''Proc. of WG 2004, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,3353, pp. 320-331, 2004.
  92. T. Ito, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Partitioning a weighted graph to connected subgraphs ofalmost uniform size,''Proc. of WG 2004, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,3353, pp. 365-376, 2004.
  93. K. Miura and T. Nishizeki,``Rectangle-of-influence drawings offour-connected plane graphs (extended abstract),''Proc. of APVIS 2005, pp.75-80, 2005.
  94. T. Ito, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Partitioning graphs of supply and demand,''Proc. of ISCAS 2005, pp.160-163, 2005.
  95. T. Ito, A. Kato, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Algorithms for finding distance-edge-colorings of graphs,''Proc. of COCOON 2005, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,3595, pp.798-807, 2005.
  96. K. Banno, S. Orihara, T. Mizuki and T. Nishizeki,``Best security index for digital fingerprinting (Extended abstract),''Proc. of IH 2005, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,3727, pp.398-412, 2005.
  97. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Orthogonal drawings of series-parallel graphswith minimum bends,''Proc. of ISAAC 2005, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,3827, pp.166-175, 2005.
  98. K. Miura, M. Azuma and T. Nishizeki,``Convex drawings of plane graphs of minimum outer apices,''Proc. of GD 2005, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,3843, pp.297-308, 2005.
  99. M. S. Rahman, N. Egi and T. Nishizeki,``No-bend orthogonal drawings of series-parallel graphs (Extended abstract),''Proc. of GD 2005, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag,3843, pp.409-420, 2005.
  100. Y. Matsuo, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``Sufficient condition and algorithm for list total colorings of series-parallel graphs,''Proc. 9th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, pp. 49-56, 2006.
  101. T. Ito, K. Goto, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Partitioning a Multi-weighted Graph to Connected Subgraphs of Almost Uniform Size,'' Proc. of COCOON 2006, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 4112, pp.63-72, 2006.
  102. A. Kamada, K. Miura and T. Nishizeki, ``Convex Grid Drawings of Plane Graphs with Rectangular Contours,'' Proc. of ISAAC 2006, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 4288, pp. 131-140, 2006.
  103. T. Ito, E. D. Demaine, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Approximability of Partitioning Graphs with Supply and Demand,'' Proc. of ISAAC 2006, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 4288, pp. 121-130, 2006.
  104. K. Miura, T. Matsuno and T. Nishizeki, ``Open rectangle-of-influence drawings of inner triangulated plane graphs,'' Proc. of GD 2006, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 4372, pp.138-149, 2007.
  105. T. Nishizeki, ``Inner rectangular drawings of plane graphs: application of graph drawing to VLSI layout,'' Proc. of WALCOM 2007, pp.1-2, 2007.
  106. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Orthogonal drawings of series-parallel graphs with minimum bends,'' Proc. of WALCOM 2007, pp.3-12, 2007.
  107. Y. Asano, Y. Tezuka and T. Nishizeki, ``Improvements of HITS algorithms for spam links,'' Proc. of APWeb/Waim 2007, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 4505, pp.479-490, 2007.
  108. Y. Asano, Y. Miyawaki and T. Nishizeki, ``Efficient compression of web graphs,'' Proc. of COCOON 2008, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 5092, pp.1-11, 2008.
  109. T. Ito, T. Uno, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Partitioning a Weighted Tree to Subtrees of Almost Uniform Size,'' Proc. of ISAAC 2008, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-verlag, 5369, pp.196-207, 2008.
  110. T. Mizuki, H. Tsubata and T. Nishizeki, ``Minimizing AND-EXOR Expressions for Multiple-Valued Two-Input Logic Functions (Extended Abstract),'' Proc. of TAMC 2009, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 5532, pp.301-310, 2009.
  111. K. Uchizawa, E. Takimoto and T. Nishizeki, ``Size and Energy of Threshold Circuits Computing Mod Functions,'' Proc. of MFCS 2009, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 5734, pp.724-735, 2009.
  112. K. Uchizawa, T. Nishizeki and E. Takimoto, ``Energy Complexity and Depth of Threshold Circuits,'' Proc. of FCT 2009, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 5699, pp.334-335, 2009.
  113. X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki, ``Convex drawings of internally triconnected plane graphs on O(n2) grids,'' Proc. of ISAAC 2009, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 5878, pp.760-770, 2009.
  114. X. Zhou, T. Hikino and T. Nishizeki, ``Small Grid Drawings of Planar Graphs with Balanced Bipartition,'' Proc. of WALCOM 2010, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., Springer-Verlag, 5942, pp.47-57, 2010.


  1. 西関隆夫,``グラフの平面性判定法,'' 情報処理,24, 4, pp.521-528, 1983.
  2. T. Nishizeki, ``Planar graph algorithms'', in ``Computer Scienceand Technology-1983'', Japan Annual Review in Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications, (ed.) T. Kitagawa, Vol.7, pp.77-91, Ohm-sha, Tokyo,1983.
  3. 西関隆夫, ``多種ネットワークフローとVLSI配線,'' 電子情報通信学会誌,69, 6, pp.572-577, 1986.


  1. K. Miura, T. Nishizeki,``Rectangle-of-influence drawings of four-connectedplane graphs,"情報技術レターズ, Vol.1, No.1, pp.17-18, 2002.
  2. M. S. Rahman, T. Nishizeki and S. Ghosh,``A linear algorithm for rectangular drawings ofplanar graphs,"情報技術レターズ, Vol.1, No.1, pp.19-20, 2002.
  3. T. Fujino, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki,``直並列グラフをリストに辺彩色するアルゴリズム,"情報技術レターズ, Vol.1, No.1, pp.21-22, 2002.
  4. S. Orihara, T. Mizuki and T. Nishizeki,``電子透かしの安全性とその上界と下界,"情報技術レターズ, Vol.1, No.1, pp.227-228, 2002.
  5. M. S. Rahman, K. Miura and T. Nishizeki,``A linear algorithm for prescribed-area octagonal drawings ofplane graphs,"情報技術レターズ, LA-006, pp.15-16, 2003.
  6. 伴野幸造, 折原慎吾, 水木敬明, 西関隆夫,``電子透かしの最良安全度について,''SCIS 2005, pp.727-732, 2005.