Realizing Human-centered Intelligent Systems

In order to realize intelligent systems that support people in their daily lives, we are researching intelligent software and dedicated computers with high performance and low power consumption. There are two main research topics: 1. Development of intelligent systems, 1. Application-specific FPGA supercomputing.

Research topic 1: Development of Intelligent Systems

In research on intelligent systems, we utilize various information processing technologies (image processing, sensor signal processing, AI, natural language processing, big data analysis, etc.) to develop medical information processing systems, big data analysis of driving data and personality, quantifying child development, analyzing communication, etc.

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Research topic 2: Applicaiton-specific FPGA Supercomputing

n order to realize intelligent processing such as AI, big data analysis, and large-scale calculations, we need computers that are much faster and more energy efficient than conventional computers. In our laboratory, we are focusing on a computational device called FPGA, which can flexibly evolve its circuit structure according to the application, like the human brain, and are researching supercomputers specialized for applications. Development examples include various applications such as genetic analysis, image processing, AI, and quantum computer simulation. You can build the world's most powerful computer by yourself.

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