List of Papers in 2022

Refereed Papers in Journals

  1. Duc A. Hoang, Akira Suzuki and Tsuyoshi Yagita,
    Reconfiguring k-path vertex covers,
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,
    Vol. E105-D, No. 7, pp. 1258-1272, July 2022. DOI
  2. Takehiro Ito, Haruka Mizuta, Naomi Nishimura and Akira Suzuki,
    Incremental optimization of independent sets under the reconfiguration framework,
    Journal of Combinatorial Optimization,
    Vol. 43, issue 5, pp. 1264-1279, July 2022. DOI

Refereed Papers in International Conferences

  1. Nicolas Bousquet, Takehiro Ito, Yusuke Kobayashi, Haruka Mizuta, Paul Ouvrard, Akira Suzuki and Kunihiro Wasa,
    Reconfiguration of spanning trees with degree constraint or diameter constraint,
    in Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2022),
    Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Vol. 219, pp. 15:1-15:21, 2022. DOI
  2. Hiroshi Eto, Takehiro Ito, Eiji Miyano, Akira Suzuki and Yuma Tamura,
    Happy set problem on subclasses of co-comparability graphs,
    in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2022),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 13174, pp. 149-160, 2022. DOI
  3. Kenya Kobayashi, Guohui Lin, Eiji Miyano, Toshiki Saitoh, Akira Suzuki, Tadatoshi Utashima and Tsuyoshi Yagita,
    Path cover problems with length cost,
    in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2022),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 13174, pp. 396-408, 2022. DOI
  4. Takehiro Ito, Jun Kawahara, Shin-ichi Minato, Yota Otachi, Toshiki Saitoh, Akira Suzuki, Ryuhei Uehara, Takeaki Uno, Katsuhisa Yamanaka and Ryo Yoshinaka,
    Sorting balls and water: equivalence and computational complexity,
    in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN 2022),
    Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Vol. 226, pp. 16:1-16:17, 2022. DOI
  5. Soichiro Fujii, Yuni Iwamasa, Kei Kimura and Akira Suzuki,
    Algorithms for coloring reconfiguration under recolorability digraphs,
    in Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2022),
    Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Vol. 248, pp. 4:1-4:19, 2022. DOI

Domestic Conferences, symposiums, etc.

  1. 戸田 貴久,伊藤 健洋,川原 純,宋 剛秀,鈴木 顕,照山 順一,
    Takahisa Toda, Takehiro Ito, Jun Kawahara, Takehide Soh, Akira Suzuki and Junichi Teruyama,
    On solving independent set reconfiguration problems with bounded model checking,
    研究報告アルゴリズム(AL), 2022-AL-186(5), pp. 1-7, 2022.
  2. Hiroshi Eto, Takehiro Ito, Eiji Miyano, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura,
    Algorithms for happy set problem on interval graphs and permutation graphs,
    研究報告アルゴリズム(AL), 2022-AL-186(7), pp. 1-5, 2022.
  3. 伊藤 健洋,川原 純,宋 剛秀,鈴木 顕,照山 順一,戸田 貴久,
    2021年度冬のLAシンポジウム, 京都大学数理解析研究所RIMS共同研究(公開型), 情報社会を支える計算機科学の基礎理論, 2022.
  4. 小林 賢也,リン グオフイ,宮野 英次,斎藤 寿樹,鈴木 顕,歌島 侃勇,八木田 剛,
    2021年度冬のLAシンポジウム, 京都大学数理解析研究所RIMS共同研究(公開型), 情報社会を支える計算機科学の基礎理論, 2022.
  5. 柳澤 佑介,鈴木 顕,田村 祐馬,周 暁,
    組合せ遷移の学生シンポジウム, 組合せ遷移の展開に向けた計算機科学・工学・数学によるアプローチの融合, 2022.
  6. 鈴木 顕,
    第22回セミナー・勉強会, 組合せ遷移の展開に向けた計算機科学・工学・数学によるアプローチの融合, 2022.
    (Joint work with 畠山 航, 伊藤 健洋, 周 暁, 杉村 修平, 田邊 隆之.)
  7. Takehiro Ito, Jun Kawahara, Shin-ichi Minato, Yota Otachi, Toshiki Saitoh, Akira Suzuki, Ryuhei Uehara, Takeaki Uno, Katsuhisa Yamanaka and Ryo Yoshinaka,
    Computational Complexity of Ball/Water Sort Puzzles,
    Japanese Conference on Combinatorics and its Applications 2022(離散数学とその応用研究集会2022), ミニシンポジウム「組合せ遷移」, 2022.
  8. 伊藤 健洋,川原 純,中畑 裕,宋 剛秀,鈴木 顕,照山 順一,戸田 貴久,
    2022年秋季研究発表会, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, 2-B-2, pp. 132-133, 2022.
  9. 畠山 航,鈴木 顕,伊藤 健洋,周 暁,杉村 修平,田邊 隆之,
    2022年秋季研究発表会, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, 2-B-6, pp. 140-141, 2022.