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The 5th International Symposium and The 4th Student Organizing International Mini-Conference on
Information Electronics Systems - Invited Speakers

- Center of Education and Research for Information Electronics Systems -

Februaryy 22--24, 2012, The Westin Sendai 2F, Sendai, Japan

Keynote Speakers
Tingye Li Tingye Li (Emeritus, AT&T Bell Labs, USA)
Strategic Research and Innovation in Optical Communication: An Excited-State Lifetime of Forty Years at AT&T Bell Labs
Seigo Tarucha Seigo Tarucha (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Spin Based Quantum Computation with Quantum Dots: Qubit, Qubit Gate and Scale-up
Geard Assayag Gérard Assayag (IRCAM, CNRS, UPMC, France)
Symbolic Interaction in Sound and Music
Invited Speakers
Weihua Zhuang Weihua Zhuang (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Vehicular Communication Networks: Opportunities and Challenges
Georgi Stoyanov Georgi Stoyanov (Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
High-accuracy Design and Implementation of Allpass-based Hilbert Transformers and Fractional Delay Filters
Shklaev Alexander Andreevitch Shklyaev (The Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russia)
Mechanisms of Ge and Si Nanostructure Formation
Jian Chen Jian Chen (Nanjing University, China)
Sensitive Superconducting Detectors at Teraherz and Optical Wavebands
Candy Chiou-Ting Candy Hsu (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Recognition Tasks from Facial Images
Adrian Adrian Stoica (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA)
What Future Robots Will Understand by Analyzing Human Movements and Biological Signals