
Biomedical Optics Research
東北大学 大学院医工学研究科 医用光工学分野 松浦・片桐研究室

Our research


当研究室では,赤外レーザ伝送用中空光ファイバの医療応用についての研究をはじめとして, 軟X線やテラヘルツ波といった極端波長域の伝送路についての研究をおこなっています.

ここで取り扱う中空光ファイバとは,直径1ミリ以下のガラスもしくはプラスチックチューブの内側に, 金属や樹脂の薄膜を形成したもので,光はチューブの内面で反射を繰り返しながら,内部の空洞部分を伝搬します.

このファイバの材料や構造を適当に選択することにより,伝送可能波長域は軟X線から テラヘルツときわめて広範囲におよび,普通のガラスファイバでは伝送できない強力なレーザ光や, 赤外・紫外などの波長のレーザ光を効率よく伝送することができます.

Hollow opitcal fibers

One of our resarch projects is development of hollow optical fibers. The hollow fibers are usually glass or plastic tubing with a diameter less than 1 mm and an inner coating of metal and dielectric is formed on the inside of the tubing. Light is prpagated in the bore of the tubing as being reflected on the inner surface and the inner coating enhances the reflection at the inner suface to reduce the propagation loss of the fibers. By choosing a proper coating material, the hollow optical fibers transmitts electromagnetic wave with any wavlengths from X-ray to terahertz-wave with low transmssion losses. Hollow optical fibers also devlier short laser pulses with high-peak power that usually causes damages on the common silica-glass fibers.

中空光ファイバの構造 中空光ファイバの構造

Structure of hollow fiberoptics



Healthcare systems based on mid-infrared light

By using mid-infrared light having longer wavelengths, one can analyze molecular structure of proteins, lipids, sugars, and so on that make up the human body. We develop a blood-glucose measurement system using a Fourier-transfer infrared spectrometer combined with hollow optical fibers. By touching a sensor with lips, the system measures the blood glucose level without blood sampling. We are also working on development a low-cost and small blood glucose measurement system using a laser source, measurement of blood cholesterol, and breath analysis system for monitoring of human metabolism.


Blood glucose measurement system


Breath analysis system


従来,がんなどの悪性腫瘍の診断は,鉗子と呼ばれるハサミのような 器具を用いて組織を摘出し,顕微鏡下で観察する生検(バイオプシー)という手法が用いられてきました. 最近この手法に代わるものとして,特殊な内視鏡を用いて組織の光学特性を測定し,その結果から 診断を行う光バイオプシーという技術が注目されています.我々のグループでは,ラマン分光法や赤外分光法 などの分光測定を内視鏡下で行うためのプローブの研究・開発を医療機関などと共同で行っています.

Development of optical biopsy system

Optical biopsy technique attracts attention as a substitute for common histological biopsy where tissues are removed and observed using a microscope. Our group is woking together with medical and other research organizations to develop specialty fiberoptic probe for Raman and infrared spectrosocpy for in-vivo measurement of inside body.


In-vivo Raman spectroscopy of rat stomach



Optical-fiber based image delivery systems for endoscopes

Surgeries using an endoscope that can be inserted into the human body through the nose and mouth or small incisions in the abdomen has attracted attention. In our group, as systems supporting endoscopic surgeries, we develop an image transmission system using a very thin optical fiber that can be inserted into an ultra-small diameter endoscope and a thermal image delivery system that enables thermographic observation of inside human body.


Optical fiber for thermal image transmission


通常のガラス光ファイバは中心部分のコアと呼ばれる 屈折率の高い領域に光を閉じ込めて伝送しますが,その周囲に多層膜を形成することにより 現れるフォトニックバンドギャップと呼ばれる効果を用いて屈折率の低い領域に光を強く 閉じ込めることができます.この条件では,非常に小さなビーム径が得られるなどの特殊な 効果を利用したデバイスの研究を行っています.

Research and development of specialty fiberoptics

Bragg fibers confines light in the low-index core owing to photonic bandgap that is induced by the multilayered cladding. We develop optical devices such as tapered fibers producing ultra-small beam spot using the bragg fiber structure.


Cutting section of bragg fibers