Yuma TAMURA(田村 祐馬)


東北大学 大学院情報科学研究科
システム情報科学専攻 知能情報科学講座 アルゴリズム論分野




2021年4月 - 現在 東北大学 大学院情報科学研究科 助教
2020年4月 - 2021年3月 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC2)
2019年4月 - 2021年3月
東北大学 大学院情報科学研究科 博士課程後期3年の課程
指導教員: 周 暁


Assistant Professor,
Algorithm Theory Lab., Intelligent Information Science, Department of System Information Sciences,
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University

Research Interests

Graph Algorithms
Computational Complexity

My Brief History

April 2021 - present Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
April 2020 - March 2021 JSPS Research Fellow (DC2)
April 2019 - March 2021
(early graduation)
Ph.D. in Information Sciences. (completed)
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University.
Adviser: Xiao Zhou

Refereed Papers in Journals

  1. Yusuke Yanagisawa, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    Decremental optimization of vertex-coloring under the reconfiguration framework,
    International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory, vol. 8(1), pp. 80-92, April 2023
  2. Hiroshi Eto, Takehiro Ito, Eiji Miyano, Akira Suzuki and Yuma Tamura,
    Happy set problem on subclasses of co-comparability graphs,
    Algorithmica, vol. 85(11), pp. 3327-3347, November 2023
  3. Yuma Tamura, Takehiro Ito and Xiao Zhou,
    Approximability of the independent feedback vertex set problem for bipartite graphs,
    Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 849, pp. 227-236, January 2021
  4. Yuma Tamura, Takehiro Ito and Xiao Zhou,
    Algorithms for the independent feedback vertex set problem,
    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, vol. E98-A(6), pp. 1179-1188, June 2015

Refereed Papers in International Conferences

  1. Yuma Tamura, Akira Suzuki and Takaaki Mizuki,
    Card-based zero-knowledge proof protocols for the 15-Puzzle and the token swapping problem,
    in Proceedings of the 11th ACM ASIA Public-Key Cryptography Workshop (APKC 2024),
    ACM, pp. 11-22, July 2024
  2. Yota Otachi, Akira Suzuki and Yuma Tamura,
    Finding induced subgraphs from graphs with small mim-width,
    in Proceedings of the 19th Scandinavian Symposium on Algorithm Theory (SWAT 2024),
    Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), vol. 294, pp. 38:1-38:16, May 2024
  3. Takahiro Suzuki, Kei Kimura, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    Parameterized complexity of weighted target set selection,
    in Proceedings of Theory and Applications of Models of Computation - 18th Annual Conference (TAMC 2024),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 14637, pp. 320-331, May 2024
  4. Naoki Domon, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    The shortest path reconfiguration problem based on relaxation of reconfiguration rules,
    in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2024),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 14549, pp. 227-241, February 2024
  5. Tatsuya Gima, Tesshu Hanaka, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Yota Otachi, Tomohito Shirai, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    On the complexity of list $\mathcal H$-packing for sparse graph classes,
    in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2024),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 14549, pp. 421-435, February 2024
  6. Kota Kumakura, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    On the routing problems in graphs with ordered forbidden transitions,
    in Proceedings of the 29th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON2023),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 14422, pp. 359-370, December 2023
  7. Yusuke Yanagisawa, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    Parameterized complexity of optimizing list vertex-coloring through reconfiguration,
    in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM2023),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 13973, pp. 279-290, March 2023
  8. Hiroshi Eto, Takehiro Ito, Eiji Miyano, Akira Suzuki and Yuma Tamura,
    Happy set problem on subclasses of co-comparability graphs,
    in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM2022),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 13174, pp. 149-160, March 2022
  9. Yusuke Yanagisawa, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    Decremental optimization of vertex-coloring under the reconfiguration framework,
    in Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON 2021),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 13025, pp. 355-366, October 2021
  10. Yuma Tamura, Takehiro Ito and Xiao Zhou,
    Minimization and parameterized variants of vertex partition problems on graphs,
    in Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC2020),
    Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), vol. 181, pp. 40:01-40:13, December 2020
  11. Yuma Tamura, Takehiro Ito and Xiao Zhou,
    Approximability of the independent feedback vertex set problem for bipartite graphs,
    in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference and Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM2020),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 12049, pp. 286-295, March 2020
  12. Yuma Tamura, Takehiro Ito and Xiao Zhou,
    Deterministic algorithms for the independent feedback vertex set problem,
    in Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2014),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 8986, pp. 351-363, October 2014

Other Manuscripts in International Conferences

  1. Yuma Tamura, Takehiro Ito and Xiao Zhou,
    The independent feedback vertex set problem,
    in Proceedings of the 17th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WAAC 2014), pp.11-18, July 2014

Other Manuscripts or Talks in Domestic Conferences, Symposiums, etc.

  1. Takahiro Suzuki, Kei Kimura, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    Algorithms for weighted target set selection,
    2024年電子情報通信学会総合大会 COMP-AFSA学生シンポジウム, DS-2-07
    (2024/3/5-6 広島県東広島市)
  2. 菅 達皓,鈴木 顕,田村 祐馬,周 暁,
    2024年電子情報通信学会総合大会 COMP-AFSA学生シンポジウム, DS-2-02
    (2024/3/5-6 広島県東広島市)
  3. 鈴木 隆央,鈴木 顕,田村 祐馬,周 暁,
    情報処理学会 第196回アルゴリズム研究会, vol. 2024-AL-196(8), pp. 1-6, 2024年1月
    (2024/1/20-21 東京都文京区)
  4. Naoki Domon, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    Shortest path reconfiguration with relaxed constraints,
    情報処理学会 第196回アルゴリズム研究会, vol. 2024-AL-196(6), pp. 1-7, 2024年1月
    (2024/1/20-21 東京都文京区)
  5. Tatsuya Gima, Tesshu Hanaka, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Yota Otachi, Tomohito Shirai, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    List variants of packing problems on sparse graphs,
    情報処理学会 第196回アルゴリズム研究会, vol. 2024-AL-196(5), pp. 1-7, 2024年1月
    (2024/1/20-21 東京都文京区)
  6. Kota Kumakura, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    On the problems of finding paths to avoid ordered forbidden transitions based on graph structure,
    情報処理学会 第195回アルゴリズム研究会, vol. 2023-AL-195(24), pp. 1-5, 2023年11月
    (2023/11/16-17 沖縄県那覇市)
  7. Hiroshi Eto, Takehiro Ito, Eiji Miyano, Akira Suzuki and Yuma Tamura,
    Algorithms for happy set problem on interval graphs and permutation graphs,
    情報処理学会 第186回アルゴリズム研究会, vol. 2022-AL-186(7), pp. 1-5, 2022年1月
    (2022/1/27-28 オンライン開催)
  8. Yusuke Yanagisawa, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura and Xiao Zhou,
    Optimization variant of vertex-coloring reconfiguration problem,
    情報処理学会 第185回アルゴリズム研究会, vol. 2021-AL-185(13), pp. 1-5, 2021年11月
    (2021/11/18-19 オンライン開催)
  9. Yuma Tamura, Takehiro Ito and Xiao Zhou,
    Minimizing a vertex set satisfying specific graph properties,
    情報処理学会 第180回アルゴリズム研究会, vol. 2020-AL-180(4), pp. 1-7, 2020年11月
    (2020/11/25-26 オンライン開催)
  10. Yuma Tamura, Takehiro Ito and Xiao Zhou,
    Approximation of the independent feedback vertex set problem,
    情報処理学会 第177回アルゴリズム研究会, vol. 2020-AL-177(10), pp. 1-5, 2020年3月
    2020/3/16 宮城県仙台市 → 2020/5/9 オンライン振替開催)
  11. 田村 祐馬,伊藤 健洋,周 暁,
    京都大学 数理解析研究所 共同研究 (公開型)「数理計画問題に対する理論とアルゴリズムの研究」
    (2019/8/5-6 京都府京都市)
  12. 田村 祐馬,伊藤 健洋,周 暁,
    情報処理学会 第78回全国大会講演論文集, vol. 2016(1), pp. 399-400, 2016年3月
    (2016/3/10-12 神奈川県横浜市)
  13. Yuma Tamura, Takehiro Ito and Xiao Zhou,
    The independent feedback vertex set problem,
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, vol. 114(80), pp. 13-18, 2014年6月
    (2014/6/13-14 愛媛県松山市)


2022年6月 情報処理学会 東北支部
第17回 野口研究奨励賞
2021年6月 一般社団法人 情報処理学会
2020年4月 The 14th International Conference and Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM2020)
The Best Student Paper Award


査読委員: IEICE, DMGT, WALCOM, IWOCA, RAIRO, ISAAC, Algorithmica, GCOM, Discrete Appl. Math., TAMC


居室: 〒980-8579
宮城県仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6-6-05 電子情報システム・応物系2号館4階 402号室
E-mail: tamura🍥tohoku.ac.jp


June 2022 Tohoku branch of Information Processing Society of Japan,
Noguchi Incentive Award
June 2021 Information Processing Society of Japan,
IPSJ Computer Science Research Award for Young Scientists
April 2020 The 14th International Conference and Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM2020),
The Best Student Paper Award

Research Activities

Sub-reviewer: IEICE, DMGT, WALCOM, IWOCA, RAIRO, ISAAC, Algorithmica, GCOM, Discrete Appl. Math., TAMC


Office: Room 402, Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics Research Building No.2,
6-6-05 Aoba, Aramaki-aza, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8579, Japan.
E-mail: tamura🍥tohoku.ac.jp
Last updated: July 4, 2024