東北大学大学院医工学研究科 医工学専攻
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平成 5年3月 東北大学工学部電気工学科 卒業
平成12年3月 東北大学大学院工学研究科電気・通信工学専攻博士課程後期3年の課程修了
平成12年3月 博士(工学)『直線集束ビーム超音波顕微鏡の校正法に関する研究』(東北大学)
平成12年4月 東北大学電気通信研究所 中核的研究機関研究員
平成13年4月 東北大学大学院工学研究科 助手
平成19年4月 東北大学大学院工学研究科 助教
平成26年1月 東北大学大学院医工学研究科 特任助教
平成28年4月 東北大学大学院未来科学技術共同研究センター 准教授
平成28年7月 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 主査
平成29年3月 東北大学大学院医工学研究科 准教授 現在に至る
S. Mori, H. Kanai, and M. Arakawa, "Lateral M-mode: Ultrasound visualization of displacement along the longitudinal direction at intima-media complex,"
J. Med. Ultrason. doi: 10.1007/s10396-023-01282-2
S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, "Lateral M-mode: Ultrasound visualization of displacement along the longitudinal direction at intima-media complex,"
Ultrasound Med. Biol., Vol. 49, pp. 875-888 (2023.3).
M. Arakawa, K. Higashiyama, S. Mori, S. Yashiro, Y. Ishigaki, and H. Kanai, "In vivo measurement of attenuation coefficient of blood in a dorsal hand vein in a frequency range of 10–45 MHz: A preliminary study,"
Front. Phys., Vol. 11, 1077696 (7 pages) (2023.2).
M. Hisatsu, S. Mori, M. Arakawa,and H. Kanai, "Application of low-complexity generalized coherence factor to in vivo data,"
J. Med. Ultrason., Vol. 49, pp. 555-567 (2022.10).
Y. Haji, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, T. Yamagishi,and H. Kanai, "Evaluation of local changes in RF signal waveform and brightness caused by vessel dilatation for ascertaining reliability of elasticity estimate inside heterogeneous plaque: A preliminary study,"
J. Med. Ultrason., Vol. 49, pp. 529-543 (2022.10).
K. Kawamata, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, "Improving axial resolution of medical ultrasound images by using noise-robust broadband filter based on singular value decomposition,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 61, SG1061 (11 pages) (2022.7).
T. Bando, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, E. Onishi, M. Yamauchi, and H. Kanai, "Transmission condition for clear depiction of thoracic spine based on differences in reflection and scattering characteristics of medical ultrasound,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 61, SG1068 (10 pages) (2022.7).
Y. Shoji, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, S. Ohba, K. Kobayashi, and H. Kanai, "Accurate measurement of elasticity of the radial artery wall considering changes in cross-sectional shape of artery caused by pushing pressure applied by ultrasound probe,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 61, SG1042 (9 pages) (2022.7).
K. Higashiyama, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, S. Yashiro, Y. Ishigaki, and Hiroshi Kanai, “Estimation of aggregate size of red blood cell by introducing reference power spectrum measured for hemispherical ultrafine wire,”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 61, SG1046 (10 pages) (2022.7).
Y. Obara, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, “Appropriate window function and window length in multifrequency velocity estimator for rapid motion and locality of layered myocardium,”
IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, Vol. 69, pp. 1353-1369 (2022.4).
Y. Obara, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, “Strain rate distribution in layered myocardium measured using local velocity estimator with multifrequency phase differences,”
Ultrasound Med. Biol., Vol. 47, pp. 2768-27 (2021.9).
M. Hisatsu, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, “Low‑complexity generalized coherence factor estimated from binarized signals in ultrasound beamforming,”
J. Med. Ultrason., Vol. 48, pp. 259-272 (2021.7).
A. Nakayama, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, “Estimation error in sound velocity depending on size of target scatterer,”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, SDDE17 (6 pages) (2021.7).
T. Hashimoto, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, E. Onishi, M. Yamauchi, and H. Kanai, “A study on differentiation of depiction between scatterer and reflector to assist epidural anesthesia by ultrasound,”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, SDDE15 (10 pages) (2021.7).
A. Fukase, K. Higashiyama, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, S. Yashiro, Y. Ishigaki, and H. Kanai, “Stabilization of red blood cell aggregation evaluation using short-axis view of vein of ultrasound,”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, SDDE08 (4 pages) (2021.7).
S. Akiyama, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, “Accuracy verification in ultrasonic elasticity measurement within intima-media complex visible range using phantom experimental system,”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, SDDA07 (7 pages) (2021.7).
K. Sugahara, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, “Evaluation of error factors depending on ultrasonic transmitted beamwidth in measurement of myocardial minute velocity,”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, SDDE05 (3 pages) (2021.7).
Y. Shoji, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, S. Ohba, K. Kobayashi, and H. Kanai, “Estimation of viscoelasticity of radial artery during flow-mediated dilatation using a single ultrasound probe based on blood pressure measurement via pulse transit time method,”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, SDDE03 (3 pages) (2021.7).
Y. Obara, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, “Measurement of propagation of local and minute contractile response in layered myocardium,”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 60, SDDE02 (8 pages) (2021.7).
Y. Obara, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, “Multifrequency phased tracking method for estimating velocity in heart wall,”
Ultrasound Med. Biol., Vol. 47, pp. 1077-1088 (2021.4).
K. Nagasawa, A. Fukase, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, S. Yashiro, Y. Ishigaki, and H. Kanai,
“Evaluation method of the degree of red blood cell aggregation considering ultrasonic propagation attenuation by analyzing ultrasonic backscattering properties,”
J. Med. Ultrason., Vol. 48, pp. 3-12 (2021.1).
K. Kamada, R. Murakami, M. Arakawa, T. Minamitani, T. Ueno, Y. Shoji, A. Yamaji, M. Yoshino, S. Kurosawa, Y. Yokota, Y. Ohashi, V.V. Kochurikhin, A. Yoshikawa,
"Shaped Crystal Growth of Fe-Al Alloy Plates by Micro Pulling down Method,"
Acta Physica Polonica, Vol. 137, pp. 1009-1012 (2020.5).
H. Kawamura, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, “Measurement of viscoelasticity of anisotropic viscoelastic phantom by dual ultrasound excitation,”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 59, SKKE24 (10 pages) (2020.5).
M. Hisatsu, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, “Generalized coherence factor estimated from real signals in ultrasound beamforming,”
J. Med. Ultrason., Vol. 47, pp. 179-192 (2020.4).
T. Saito, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, S. Ohba, K. Kobayashi, and H. Kanai, “Estimation of viscoelasticity of radial artery via simultaneous measurement of changes in pressure and diameter using a single ultrasound probe,”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 59, SKKE04 (7 pages) (2020.4).
T. Yokoyama, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, E. Onishi, M. Yamauchi, and Hiroshi Kanai, “Discrimination of thoracic spine from muscle based on their difference in ultrasound reflection and scattering characteristics,”
J. Med. Ultrason., Vol. 47, pp. 3-11 (2020.1).
R. Nagaoka, K. Kobayashi, M. Arakawa, H. Hasegawa, and Y. Saijo, "Correction of phase rotation in pulse spectrum method for scanning acoustic
microscopy and its application to measurements of cells," Ultrasonics, Vol. 99, 105949 (2019.11).
M. Arakawa, T. Saito, S. Mori, S. Ohba, K. Kobayashi, and H. Kanai, "Development of an ultrasonic probe to measure both
radial arterial pressure and diameter change at the same position for early diagnosis of vascular endothelial function: Preliminary study,"
Sens. Actuators A Phys., Vol. 297, 111487 (2019.10).
N. Furusawa, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, "A new evaluation method for dependence of width of transmitted waves on accuracy in multipoint simultaneous ultrasonic measurements of cardiac wall vibration waveform," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 58, SGGA08 (6 pages) (2019.7).
R. Suenaga, M. Suzuki, S. Kakio, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, and J. Kushibiki, "Evaluation of SiO2 thin films on piezoelectric substrates using line-focus-beam
ultrasonic material characterization system," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 58, SGGA05 (6 pages) (2019.7).
A. Hayashi, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, "Local two-dimensional distribution of propagation speed of myocardial contraction for ultrasonic visualization of contraction propagation," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 58, SGGE05 (7 pages) (2019.7).
M. Arakawa, K. Kudo, K. Kobayashi, and H. Kanai, "Blood pressure measurement using piezoelectric effect by an ultrasonic probe," Sens. Actuators A Phys., Vol. 286, pp. 146-151 (2019.2).
K. Abe, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, "Estimation method for sound velocity distribution for high-resolution ultrasonic tomographic imaging,” J. Med. Ultrasonics, Vol. 46, pp. 27-33 (2019.1).
H. Sakaki, M. Arakawa, S. Yashiro, Y. Todate, Y. Ishigaki, and H. Kanai, "Ultrasound scattering by aggregated red blood cells in patients with diabetes," J. Med. Ultrasonics, Vol. 46, pp. 3-14 (2019.1).
林あかね,荒川元孝,山本裕朗,諸沢薦,下川宏明,金井浩,"ブタ心臓壁における収縮応答の伝播速度の心筋虚血による低下の超音波計測," 超音波医学, Vol. 45, pp. 595-603 (2018.11).
R. Suenaga, M. Suzuki, S. Kakio, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, and J. Kushibiki, "Propagation properties of leaky surface acoustic wave on water-loaded piezoelectric substrate," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 57, No. 7S1, 07LC10 (5 pages) (2018.7).
M. Ito, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, "Local pulse wave velocity estimated from small vibrations measured ultrasonically at multiple points on the arterial wall," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 57, No. 7S1, 07LF14 (8 pages) (2018.7).
R. Watanabe, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, "Frequency characteristics of vibration generated by dual acoustic radiation force for estimating viscoelastic properties of biological tissues," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 57, No. 7S1, 07LF09 (7 pages) (2018.7).
Y. Miyachi, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, "Accuracy improvement in measurement of arterial wall elasticity by applying pulse inversion to phased-tracking method," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 57, No. 7S1, 07LF08 (10 pages) (2018.7).
M. Arakawa, S. Mori, H. Kanai, R. Nagaoka, M. Horie, K. Kobayashi, and Y. Saijo, "Robust analysis method for acoustic properties of biological specimens measured by acoustic microscopy," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 57, No. 7S1, 07LB07 (7 pages) (2018.7).
林あかね, 荒川元孝, 金井浩, "ヒト心臓の心室中隔壁から左室後壁への心筋収縮応答伝播の超音波計測," 超音波医学, Vol. 45, pp. 191-198 (2018.3).
M. Arakawa, H. Kanai, K. Ishikawa, R. Nagaoka, K. Kobayashi, and Y. Saijo, "A method for the design of ultrasonic devices for scanning acoustic micrscopy using impulsive signals," Ultrasonics, Vol. 84, pp. 172-179 (2018.3).
A. Yoshikawa, Y. Yokota, Y. Shoji, R. Kral, K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, V. Chani, V. Kachurikhin, A. Yamaji, M. Andrey, and M. Nikl, "Development and melt growth of novel scintillating halide crystals," Opt. Mater., Vol. 74, pp. 109-119 (2017.12).
Y. Igarashi, Y. Ohashi, Y. Yokota, M. Arakawa, K. Inoue, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, and A. Yoshikawa, "Crystal growth and piezoelectric properties of Ca3Ta(Ga1-xScx)3Si2O14 single crystals," Ceram. Int., Vol. 43, pp. S136-S139 (2017.8).
T. Horiai, R. Murakami, S. Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, A. Yamaji, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, "The divalent ion codoping effect on Ce-doped (Gd, La)2Si2O7 single crystals," Opt. Mater., Vol. 68, pp. 42-46 (2017.6).
Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, Y. Yokota, Y. Shoji, A. Yamaji, S. Kurosawa, K. Kamada, and A. Yoshikawa, "Temperature dependence of acoustic property of Ca3Ta(Ga,Al)3Si2O14 single crystals," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 56, No. 7S1, 07JB03 (5 pages) (2017.6).
T. Nihei, Y. Yokota, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, S. Kurosawa, K. Kamada, V. Chani, and A. Yoshikawa, " Growth of platinum fibers using the micro-pulling-down method," J. Cryst. Growth, Vo. 468, pp. 403-406 (2017.6).
Y. Ohashi, M. Kitahara, T. Kudo, M. Arakawa, Y. Yokota, Y. Shoji, A. Yamaji, S. Kurosawa, K. Kamada, and A. Yoshikawa, "Relationships among chemical composition, lattice constants, and acoustic properties for Ca3Ta(Ga1-xAlx)3Si2O14 single crystals," J. Cryst. Growth, Vo. 468, pp. 376-381 (2017.6).
M. Arakawa, J. Kushibiki, and Y. Ohashi, "Ultrasonic microspectroscopy characterization of
chemically tempered glass," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 56, No. 1, 016601 (6 pages) (2017.1).
N. Terakado, S. Uchida, Y. Takahashi, T. Fujiwara, and M. Arakawa, "Depth analysis of a
compression layer in chemically strengthened glass using depth-resolved micro-Raman
spectroscopy," J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, Vol. 124, No. 10, pp. 1164-1166 (2016.10).
Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, T. Kudo, Y. Yokota, Y. Shoji, S. Kurosawa, K. Kamada, J. Kushibiki, and A. Yoshikawa, "Dependence of acoustic property on Al substitution for Ca3Ta(Ga1-xAlx)3Si2O14 single crystals," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 55, No. 7S1, 07KB06 (5 pages) (2016.7).
M. Arakawa, J. Shikama, K. Yoshida, R. Nagaoka, K. Kobayashi, and Y. Saijo, "Development of an ultrasonic microscope combined with optical microscope for multiparametric characterization of a single cell," IEEE. Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, Vol. 62, No. 9, pp. 1615-1621 (2015.9).
M. Arakawa, J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, Y. Maruyama, N. Yamada, S. Nagano, Y. Li, M. Hosokawa, Y. Hanado, M. Watanabe, K Watanabe, K. Abe, K. Etoh, and K. Ito, "Control of zero-crossing temperature of coefficient of thermal expansion and reduction of mechanical residual stress for TiO2-SiO2 glass optical cavity," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 54, No. 9, 096702 (6 pages) (2015.8).
R. Nagaoka, R. Iwasaki, M. Arakawa, K. Kobayashi, S. Yoshizawa, S. Umemura, and Y. Saijo, "Basic study of intrinsic elastography: Relationship between tissue stiffness and propagation velocity of deformation induced by pulsatile flow," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 54, No. 7S1, 07HF08 (8 pages) (2015.6).
T. Karaki, T. Lv, M. Adachi, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, and J. Kushibiki, "Measurements of acoustical physical constants of La3Ta0.5Ga5.3Al0.2O14 single crystals at high temperatures," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 51, No. 9S1, 09LD09 (4 pages) (2012.9).
S. Kakio, K. Hosaka, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, and J. Kushibiki, "Surface acoustic wave properties of amorphous Ta2O5 and Nb2O5 thin films prepared by radio frequency sputtering," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 51, No. 7S, 07GA01 (5 pages) (2012.7).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, and Y. Maruyama, "Ultrasonic microspectroscopy measurement of fictive temperature for synthetic silica glass," Appl. Phys. Express, Vol. 4, No. 5, 056601 (3 pages) (2011.4).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, T. Tanaka, S. Yoshida, Y. Kourai, and N. Sakagami, "Ultrasonic microspectroscopy of ZnO single crystals grown by the hydrothermal method," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 49, No. 2R, 026602 (8 pages) (2010.2).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, T. Tanaka, S. Yoshida, and K. Asano, "Development of a micro line-focus-beam ultrasonic device," Appl. Phys. Express, Vol. 2, No. 8, 086501 (3 pages) (2009.7).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, and T. Tanaka, "Procedures for determining acoustical physical constants of class 6mm single crystals by ultrasonic microspectroscopy technology," J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 105, No. 11, 114913 (9 pages) (2009.6).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, and T. Tanaka, "A promising method of evaluating ZnO single crystals using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material-characterization system," Appl. Phys. Express, Vol. 2, No. 2, 026501 (3 pages) (2009.1).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, T. Ueda, and A. Fujinoki, "Homogeneous TiO2-SiO2 ultralow-expansion glass for extreme ultraviolet lithography evaluated by the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Appl. Phys. Express, Vol. 1, No.8, 087002 (3 pages) (2008.7).
Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, J. Kushibiki, B. M. Epelbaum, and A. Winnacker, "Ultrasonic microspectroscopy characterization of AIN single crystals," Appl. Phys. Express, Vol. 1, No. 7, 077004 (3 pages) (2008.7).
櫛引淳一, 荒川元孝, 大橋雄二, "直線集束ビーム超音波材料解析システムによるゼロ膨張ガラスの超精密評価," 精密工学会誌, Vol. 74, No. 7, pp. 673-678 (2008.7).
M. Arakawa, J. Kushibiki, and Y. Madani, "Ultrasonic micro-spectroscopy of synthetic sapphire crystals," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 2285-2287 (2008.4).
M. Arakawa, J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi and K. Suzuki, "Accurate velocity measurement of periodic striae of TiO2-SiO2 glasses by the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material-characterization system," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, No. 11, pp. 8925-8927 (2006.11).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi and K. Suzuki, "Evaluation method of TiO2-SiO2 ultra-low-expansion glasses with periodic striae using the LFB ultrasonic material characterization system," IEEE. Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 1627-1636 (2006.9).
Y. Ohashi, J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, and K. Suzuki, "Experimental study for evaluation striae structure of TiO2-SiO2 glasses using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, No. 8A, pp. 6445-6451 (2006.8).
M. Arakawa, J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, and K. Suzuki, "Accurate calibration line for super-precise coefficient of thermal expansion evaluation technology of TiO2-doped SiO2 ultra-low-expansion glass using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, No. 5B, pp. 4511-4515 (2006.5).
Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, and J. Kushibiki, "Improvement of velocity measurement accuracy of leaky surface acoustic waves for materials with highly attenuated waveform of the V(z) curve by the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, No. 5B, pp. 4505-4510 (2006.5).
Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, and J. Kushibiki, "Super-accurate velocity measurement for evaluating TiO2-SiO2 ultra-low-expansion glass using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 44, No. 43, pp. L1313-L1315 (2005.10).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, and R. Okabe, "Evaluation of glass materials by using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic-material-characterization system," IEEE. Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 1152-1160 (2005.7).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, K. Suzuki, and T. Maruyama, "A super-precise CTE evaluation method for ultra-low-expansion glasses using the LFB ultrasonic material characterization system," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 44, No. 6B, pp. 4374-4380 (2005.6).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, K. Suzuki, and T. Maruyama, "A promising evaluation method of ultra-low-expansion glasses for the extreme ultra-violet lithography system by the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.43, No.11A, L1455-L1457 (2004.10).
T. Karaki, R. Sato, M. Adachi, J. Kushibiki, and M. Arakawa, "Piezoelectric properties of Ca3NbGa3Si2O14 single crystal," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 43, No. 9B, pp. 6721-6724 (2004.9).
M. Arakawa, J. Kushibiki, and N. Aoki, "An evaluation of effective radiuses of bulk-wave ultrasonic transducers as circular piston sources for accurate velocity measurements," IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, Vol. 51, No. 5, pp. 496-501 (2004.5).
J. Kushibiki, R. Okabe, and M. Arakawa, "Precise measurements of bulk-wave ultrasonic velocity dispersion and attenuation in solid materials in the VHF range," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 113, No. 6, pp. 3171-3178 (2003.6).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, and R. Okabe, "High-accuracy standard specimens for the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," IEEE. Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 827-835 (2002.6).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ono, Y. Ohashi, and M. Arakawa, "Development of the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," IEEE. Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 99-113 (2002.1).
J. Kushibiki and M. Arakawa, "Diffraction effects on bulk-wave ultrasonic velocity and attenuation measurements," J. Acoust. Soc. Am, Vol. 108, No. 2, pp. 564-573 (2000.8).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, and M. Arakawa, "Influence of reflected waves from the back surface of thin solid-plate-specimen on velocity measurements by line-focus-beam acoustic microscopy," IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 274-284 (2000.1)
J. Kushibiki, I. Takanaga, M. Arakawa, and T. Sannomiya, "Accurate measurements of the acoustical physical constants of LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 single crystals," IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 1315-1323 (1999.9).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, and M. Arakawa, "Precise velocity measurement for thin specimens by line-focus-beam acoustic microscopy," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 38, Part 2, No. 1A/B, pp. L89-L91 (1999.1).
J. Kushibiki and M. Arakawa, "A method for calibrating the line-focus-beam acoustic microscopy system", IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 421-430 (1998.3).
M. Arakawa, Y. Shoji, S. Mori, S. Ohba, K. Kobayashi, and H. Kanai, "Elasticity measurement of radial arterial wall considering vessel shape change caused by pushing pressure applied by ultrasonic probe,"
Proc. 2022 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. (2022.9).
Y. Obara, S. Mori, M. Iwai-Takano, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, "Local measurement of instantaneous change in myocardial thickness in swine heart during acute myocardial ischemia,"
Proc. 2022 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. (2022.9).
M. Arakawa, K. Higashiyama, R. Takeyama, S. Mori, S. Yashiro, Y. Ishigaki, and H. Kanai, "Estimation of size of red blood cell aggregates using reference power spectra,"
Proc. 2022 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. (2022.9).
S. Mori, A. Nakayama, K. Onoda, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, "Preliminary study on estimation of speed of sound in propagation medium considering target scatterer size,"
Proc. 2021 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. (2021.9).
M. Arakawa, T. Hashimoto, T. Bando, S. Mori, E. Onishi, M. Yamauchiand H. Kanai, "A novel method for depicting thoracic spine using difference between scattering of muscle tissues and reflection at bone surface,"
Proc. 2021 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. (2021.9).
S. Mori, T. Abe, M. Arakawa. J. E. Wilhjelm, and H. Kanai, "Ultrasonic measurement of luminal surface roughness of carotid artery wall with removal of local displacement induced by blood vessel pulsation,"
Proc. 2020 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. (2020.9).
M. Arakawa, K. Nagasawa, A. Fukase, K. Higashiyama, S. Mori, S. Yashiro, Y. Ishigaki, and H. Kanai, "Basic study for size estimation of red blood cell aggregates by analyzing ultrasonic backscattering properties considering ultrasonic propagation attenuation,"
Proc. 2020 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. (2020.9).
Y. Shoji, T. Saito, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, S. Ohba, K. Kobayashi, and H. Kanai, "Measurement of change in viscoelasticity of radial artery during flow-mediated dilatation using a single ultrasonic probe,"
Proc. 2020 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. (2020.9).
A. Fukase, K. Nagasawa, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, S. Yashiro, Y. Ishigaki, and H. Kanai, "Correlation between red blood cell aggregation and blood glucose level,"
Proc. 2019 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp., pp. 45-47 (2019.10).
K. Iwamori, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, "Accurate estimation method of arterial wall movement in longitudinal direction,"
Proc. 2019 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp., pp. 460-462 (2019.10).
H. Kanai, S. Mori, and M, Arakawa, "Speeds of contraction responses propagating along septum at pre-ejection period are different between radial and longitudinal,"
Proc. 2019 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp., pp. 1418-1420 (2019.10).
R. Hirano, M. Kanzaki, M. Arakawa, N. Hermawan, K. Kobayashi, and Y. Saijo, "Biomechanics of C2C12 cells observed with cellular resolution scanning acoustic microscope combined with optical microscope ," Proc. 41st IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc. 2019, pp. 4828-4831 (2019.7).
M. Arakawa, H. Sakaki, K. Nagasawa, A. Fukase, S. Mori, S. Yashiro, Y. Ishigaki, and H. Kanai "Red blood cell aggregation measurement with 40-MHz ultrasound has a possibility for noninvasive evaluation of blood glucose level in patients with diabetes," 2018 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Kobe (2018.10).
I. Kobayashi, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai "Spiral complex movements of the heart wall at the beginning of myocardial contraction detected by high frame speckle tracking," 2018 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Kobe (2018.10).
M. Arakawa, T. Saito, S. Mori, S. Ohba, K. Kobayashi, and H. Kanai "An ultrasonic probe to measure both radial arterial pressure and diameter at identical position for early diagnosis of arteriosclerosis," 2018 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Kobe (2018.10).
A. Hayashi, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, H. Yamamoto, S. Morosawa, H. Shimokawa, and H. Kanai, "Ultrasonically measured propagation speed of myocardial contraction rapidly decreased in swine heart just after avascularisation of coronary artery," 2018 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Kobe (2018.10).
R. Suenaga, M. Suzuki, S. Kakio, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, and J. Kushibiki, "Evaluation of piezoeletric Ta2O5 thin films using line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," 2018 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Kobe (2018.10).
Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, Y. Yokota, K. Inoue, A. Yamaji, S. Kurosawa, K. Kamada, and A. Yoshikawa "Al content dependence of acoustic properties for Ca3Nb(Ga1−xAlx)3Si2O14 single crystals," 2016 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., pp. 1-3 (2016.9).
M. Arakawa, R. Nagaoka, K. Kobayashi, and Y. Saijo, "Designs of ultrasonic devices for ultrasonic microscopy using pulse signals," Proc. 13th International Symp. Advanced Biomedical Ultrasound, p. 1 (2015.10).
T. Igo, M. Arakawa, K. Kobayashi, R. Nagaoka, and Y. Saijo, "Measurement of acoustic properties of cells using high frequency acoustic microscopy," Proc. 13th International Symp. Advanced Biomedical Ultrasound, p. 20 (2015.10).
Y. Saijo, K. Yoshida, J. Shikama, R. Nagaoka, M. Arakawa, and K. Kobayashi, "Multiparametric characterization of a single Cell by an ultrasound and optical combined microscope," 2014 IEEE Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Chicago, pp. 727-730 (2014.9).
M. Arakawa, J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, K. Kawaguchi, and N. Takeda, "A novel method of evaluating surface properties of tempered glasses," 2014 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Chicago, pp. 1392-1395 (2014.9).
G. Masuno, R. Nagaoka, A. Omori, Y. Ishikawa, O. Akagawa, M. Arakawa, and Y. Saijo, " Two-dimensional blood flow vectors obtained with bidirectional Doppler ultrasound," Proc. 36th IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc. 2014, Chicago, pp. 5093-5096 (2014.8).
M. Kawagishi, J. Konishi, M. Takata, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, and J. Kushibiki, "Homogeneity improvement of TiO2-SiO2 glass synthesized by the soot method and its evaluation using the ultrasonic measurement system," Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8679, 86791N (7 pages) (2013.4).
Y. Ohashi, T. Karaki, T. Lv, H. Yoshida, M. Arakawa, M. Adachi and J. Kushibiki, "Determination Method of Acoustical Physical Constants and Their Temperature Coefficients of La3Ta0.5Ga5.3Al0.2O14 Single Crystal," 2012 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Dresden, Germany, pp. 2738-2741, (2012.10).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, and Y. Ohashi, "Application of the ultrasonic micro-spectroscopy technology to next generation functional glasses," Proc. the 5th Int. Symp. and 4th Student Organizing Int. Mini-Conf. on Information Electronics Systems - Center of Education and Research for Information Electronics Systems - (CERIES-GCOE/SOIM), pp. 126-131(2012.2).
Y. Ohashi, T. Karaki, T. Lv, M. Arakawa, M. Adachi and J. Kushibiki, "Measurements of Acoustical Physical Constants of La3Ta0.5Ga5.3Al0.2O14 Single Crystal for Pressure Sensors," The 3rd International Symposium on Innovations in Advanced Materials for Optics & Electronics (ISIAMOE-3 in Toyama), D-4, pp. 87-88 (2010.10).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, T. Sannomiya, and Y. Maruyama, "Development of an ultrasonic system for super-precise measurement of zero-CTE temperature of EUVL-grade TiO2-SiO2 ultra-low-expansion glasses," Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7636, 76362M (8 pages) (2010.3).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, and M. Arakawa, "Ultrasonic micro-spectroscopy characterization of ZnO," Fourth International Symposium on Acoustic Wave Devices for Future Mobile Communication Systems (Chiba Univ.), pp. 159-164 (2010.3).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, S. Yoshida, Y. Kourai, T. Kondo, and S. Fujii, "Characterization of ZnO Polycrystalline Films on Silica Glass by the LFB Ultrasonic Material Characterization System," 2009 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Roma, Italy, pp. 1575-1578 (2009.9).
M. Arakawa, H. Shimamura, and J. Kushibiki, "Evaluation of synthetic silica glasses by the ultrasonic microspectroscopy technology," 2009 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Roma, Italy, pp. 1559-1562 (2009.9).
Y. Kourai, S. Yoshida, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, J. Kushibiki, and N. Sakagami, "Measurements of Acoustical Properties of ZnO Single Crystals by the LFB/PW Ultrasonic Material Characterization System," 2009 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Roma, Italy, pp. 1169-1172 (2009.9).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, S. Yoshida, and N. Sakagami, "Evaluation of Elastic Inhomogeneity in ZnO Crystal by means of the Micro-LFB Ultrasonic Material Characterization System," 2009 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., Roma, Italy, pp. 799-802 (2009.9).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, and M. Arakawa, "Ultrasonic micro-spectroscopy characterization of ZnO and AlN crystals," Proc. the 3rd Int. Symp. Information Electronics Systems - Center of Education and Research for Information Electronics Systems - (CERIES-GCOE09), pp. 114-117 (2009.7).
J. Kushibiki and M. Arakawa, "Precise evaluation of zero-CTE temperature of EUVL-grade TiO2-SiO2 ultra-low-expansion glass using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7271, 72713D (6 pages) (2009.4).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, and T. Tanaka, "Ultrasonic micro-spectroscopy characterization of ZnO and AlN crystals," Proc. of Third Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Future Frequency Control Devices, pp. 9-15 (2008.12).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, K. Ohtsu, and S. Yoshida, "Measurement model for attenuation of leaky surface acoustic waves by the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," 2008 IEEE International Ultrason. Symp. Proc., pp. 611-614 (2008.11).
T. Tanaka, Y. Ohashi, M. Arawaka, J. Kushibiki, and N. Sakagami, "Study on acoustical physical constants of ZnO single crystal using the ultrasonic microspectroscopy technology," 2008 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symp. Proc., pp. 737-740 (2008.11).
T. Shishitani, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, J. Kushibiki, Y. Mokuno, A. Chayahara, and S. Shikata, "Measurement of lattice constants for diamond single crystal by repetition growth using the MPCVD process by x-ray diffractometer using the Bond method,"" Proc. the 1st Student Organizing Int. Mini-Conference on Information Electronics Systems (SOIM-GCOE08), pp. 119-120 (2008.10).
J. Kushibiki and M. Arakawa, "Homogenous TiO2-SiO2 ultra-low-expansion glass for the extreme ultra-violet lithography system evaluated by the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Proc. the 2nd Int. Symp. Information Electronics Systems - Center of Education and Research for Information Electronics Systems - (CERIES-GCOE08), pp. 34-37 (2008.8).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, T. Ueda, and A. Fujinoki, "Evaluation of TiO2-SiO2 ultra-low expansion glass fabricated by the soot method using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6921, 69213P (8 pages) (2008.4).
M. Arakawa, Y. Madani, J. Kushibiki, "Measurements of acoustic properties of two sapphire single crystals," Proc. JCA 2007, P-1-28 (2007.6).
M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, and J. Kushibiki, "Evaluation and selection of EUVL-grade TiO2-SiO2 ultra-low expansion glasses using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Proc. JCA 2007, P-1-26 (2007.6).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, and Y. Ohashi, "A super-precise method of evaluating and selecting EUVL-grade TiO2-SiO2 ultra-low expansion glasses using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Proc. Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Future Frequency Control Devices, pp. 69-75 (2007.3).
M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, and J. Kushibiki, "Evaluation and selection of EUVL-grade TiO2-SiO2 ultra-low expansion glasses using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6517, 651725 (8 pages) (2007.3).
Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, H. Odagawa, and J. Kushibiki, "Theoretical consideration of determining accurate acoustical physical constants of AlN single crystals," Proc. of the joint international conference of 4th international symposium on system construction of global-network-oriented information electronics and student-organizing international mini-conference on information electronics system, IGNOIE-COE06 and SOIM-COE06, pp. 268-269 (2007.1).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, and M. Arakawa, "Application of the ultrasonic microspectroscopy system to wide bandgap semiconductor materials," Proc. of the joint international conference of 4th international symposium on system construction of global-network-oriented information electronics and student-organizing international mini-conference on information electronics system, IGNOIE-COE06 and SOIM-COE06, pp. 56-61 (2007.1).
N. Akashi, M. Arakawa, H. Odagawa, T. Sannomiya, J. Kushibiki, N. Chubachi, and F. Dunn, "VHF/UHF range bioultrasonic spectroscopy system and method," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (Program: 4th Joint Meeting: ASA and ASJ), Vol. 120, No. 5, Pt. 2, p. 3193 (2006).
H. Odagawa, K. Miura, M. Arakawa, N. Akashi, J. Kushibiki, and F. Dunn, "UHF-range longitudinal acoustic property measurement of liquid specimens using multiple interference in a thin specimen layer, Proc. of 9th Sendai Symposium on Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization (2006.11).
M. Arakawa, J. Kushibiki, and Y. Ohashi, "Striae evaluation of TiO2-SiO2 ultra-low expansion glasses using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6151, 615123 (8 pages) (2006.3).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, and Y. Ohashi, "Application of the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system to evaluation of TiO2-SiO2 ultra-low-expansion glasses," Proc. of the 3rd international symposium on system construction of global-network-oriented information electronics, (IGNOIE-COE05), pp.123-128 (2006.1).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, K. Suzuki, and T. Maruyama, "A super-precision evaluation method of ultra-low expansion glasses using the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Proc. SPIE, Vol.5752, pp.961-965 (2005.2).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, K. Suzuki, and T. Maruyama, "Application of the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system to evaluation of ultra-low-expansion glasses for the extreme ultra-violet lithography system," Proc. of the 2nd international symposium on system construction of global-network-oriented information electronics (IGNOIE-COE04), pp.63-67 (2005.1).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, and R. Okabe, "Evaluation of Pyrex glasses by the line-focus-beam ultrasonic material characterization system," Proc. of ICA 2004, Tu2.I.3, II-1141-1144 (2004.4).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ono, I. Takanaga, M. Arakawa, and Y. Ohashi, "Development of the LFB ultrasonic material characterization system and its application to LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 single crystals," Proc. of The 1st International Symp. on System Construction of Global-Net work-Oriented Information Electronics, Proc. of IGNOIE-COE03, pp. 43-50 (2004.1).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ono, I. Takanaga, M. Arakawa, and Y. Ohashi, "Development of the LFB ultrasonic material characterization system and its applications to LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 single crystals," Proc. International Conference on New Piezoelectric Materials and High Performance Acoustic Wave Device (January 28-29,2002;JSPS 150th Committee on Acoustic Wave Device Technology, 76th Technical Meeting, pp.131-140 (2002.1).
M. Arakawa and J. Kushibiki, "Acoustic properties of standard specimen for calibration of the line-focus-beam acoustic microscopy system", World Congress on Ultrasonics (WCU97), 1RP17 (1997.8).
荒川元孝,金井浩,"波動で測る血管の粘弾性ー超音波による血管壁・血液の性状評価", 日本音響学会誌, Vol. 77, No. 7, pp. 448-454 (2021).
荒川元孝,金井浩,"動脈硬化症の極早期診断を目指した超音波プローブの開発", 応用物理, Vol. 88, No. 11, pp. 740-743 (2019).
荒川元孝,森翔平,金井浩,堀江みき,西條芳文,長岡亮,小林和人,"超音波顕微鏡による生体試料の音響特性の解析方法の検討 −ロバストな解析方法を目指して−", 超音波テクノ(日本工業出版), Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 26-32 (2018).
長岡亮, 荒川元孝, 吉澤晋, 梅村晋一郎, 西條芳文, 小林和人, "頸動脈壁の粘弾性計測に関する検討", 超音波テクノ(日本工業出版), Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 10-14 (2016).
日本音響学会編, "音響キーワードブック(超音波顕微鏡を担当)", コロナ社, pp. 294-295 (2016).
櫛引淳一, 荒川元孝, 大橋雄二, 川口邦子, 竹田宣生, "強化ガラスの表面特性の測定方法," 特許6372795号 (2018.7.27).
大橋雄二, 荒川元孝, 櫛引淳一, 安達正利, "圧電単結晶/セラミック材料の音響関連物理定数決定方法、その方法を使った音響関連物理定数の温度係数決定方法及びその温度係数決定方法を使った最適結晶方位及び伝搬方向決定方法," 特許6278455号 (2018.1.26).
櫛引淳一, 荒川元孝,"光学ガラスの仮想温度の測定方法," 特許5626927号 (2014.10.10).
櫛引淳一, 荒川元孝, 上田哲司, 藤ノ木朗, "シリカ・チタニアガラス及びその製造方法、線膨張係数測定方法," 特許5314901 (2013.7.12).
櫛引淳一, 荒川元孝, 大橋雄二, 鈴木光二, "脈理を有する材料の漏洩弾性表面波速度と化学組成比および線膨張係数との関係を求める方法、およびその関係を使ったTiO2-SiO2ガラスのTiO2濃度測定方法および線膨張係数測定方法," 特許4825972 (2011.9.22).
櫛引淳一, 小田川裕之, 荒川元孝, "超音波速度・減衰係数計測方法," 特許4621913号 (2011.2.2).
櫛引淳一, 荒川元孝, 大橋雄二, 鈴木光二, "脈理を有する材料に対する超音波材料特性解析装置校正用標準試料の作製方法," 特許4560625 (2010.8.6).
櫛引淳一, 荒川元孝, 大橋雄二, 篠崎行啓, "超低膨張ガラス材料の線膨張係数評価方法," 特許4036268 (2007.11.9).
櫛引淳一, 荒川元孝, 岡部亮一, "厚さ測定装置及び測定方法," EP1239259A1 (2002.2.28).
荒川元孝,金井浩,森翔平,山内正憲,大西詠子, "超音波断層画像の作成方法," 特開2022-36721 (2022.3.8).
櫛引淳一, 荒川元孝, "超低膨張ガラスの製造方法," WO2011/105517 A1.
2004年3月, 日本音響学会 第21回粟屋潔学術奨励賞
荒川元孝, "VHF/UHF帯における線形・非線形生体超音波スペクトロスコピーシステムの開発"
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, K. Suzuki, and T. Maruyama, "A super-precise CTE evaluation method for ultra-low-expansion glasses using the LFB ultrasonic material characterization system", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 44, No. 6B, pp. 4374-4380, June 2005.
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, K. Suzuki, and T. Maruyama, "A super-precise CTE evaluation method for ultra-low-expansion glasses using the LFB ultrasonic material characterization system", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 44, No. 6B, pp. 4374-4380, June 2005.
荒川元孝, "次世代超低膨張ガラスのゼロCTE温度評価法に関する研究"
2021年5月、日本超音波医学会論文賞 第35回菊池賞
T. Yokoyama, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, E. Onishi, M. Yamauchi, and H. Kanai, “Discrimination of thoracic spine from muscle based on their difference in ultrasound reflection and scattering characteristics,” J. Med. Ultrason., Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 3-11, 2020.
2022年5月、日本超音波医学会論文賞 第36回菊池賞
M. Hisatsu, S. Mori, M. Arakawa, and H. Kanai, “Low‑complexity generalized coherence factor estimated from binarized signals in ultrasound beamforming,”J. Med. Ultrason., Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 259-272 (2021).
2022年9月、貢献賞(一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ)
西條芳文,新楯諒,鈴木陸,石井琢郎,荒川元孝,梅村晋一郎,吉澤晋,長岡 亮,小林和人,根本隆治, "東北大学における光音響/高周波超音波イメージング," 日本超音波医学会第95回学術集会 (2022.5).
荒川元孝,庄司悠人,森 翔平,大庭茂男,小林和人,金井 浩, "血管内皮機能評価を目指した単一超音波プローブを用いた動脈壁粘弾性特性の計測," 日本超音波医学会第95回学術集会 (2022.5).
金井浩, 荒川元孝, 森翔平, "超音波によって心臓収縮時の電気的興奮が計測・可視化できる," 日本音響学会春季研究発表会 (2021.3).
荒川元孝, "NEDO 「超低消費電力型光エレクトロニクス実装システム技術開発」プロジェクト ―光I/Oコア技術の紹介―," 日本SKAコンソーシアム「技術開発」地域会議 in 鹿児島 (2016).
荒川元孝, 伊郷泰智, 長岡亮, 小林和人, 西條芳文, "医用超音波顕微鏡用センサーの設計方法とその応用," 日本音響学会春季研究発表会 (2015.3).
Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, and J. Kushibiki, ”Analyzing Crystals by Ultrasonic Microspectroscopy,” The Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth (3CG), Cancun, Mexico, C24, p.150 (2013).
荒川元孝, "超高周波超音波計測技術の材料評価への応用" ソノプロセス分科会2012年講演会「高周波超音波の利用・活用技術」(2012.9).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, and M. Arakawa, "Ultrasonic micro-spectroscopy characterization of ZnO," Proc. of Fourth International Symposium on Acoustic Wave Devices for Future Mobile Communication Systems, pp. 159-164 (2010).
J. Kushibiki, Y. Ohashi, M. Arakawa, and T. Tanaka, "Ultrasonic micro-spectroscopy characterization of ZnO and AlN single crystals," Proc. of Third Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Future Frequency Control Devices, pp. 9-15 (2008).
J. Kushibiki, M. Arakawa, Y. Ohashi, K. Suzuki, and T. Maruyama, "A super-precise CTE evaluation method for ultra-low-expansion glasses using the LFB ultrasonic material characterization system," 第68回応用物理学会学術講演会, 6p-V-9, Sep. (2007). (JJAP論文賞受賞記念講演).