
2008 /   2009 /   2010 /   2011
1.特  論               2.特別講義


1. 情報エレクトロニクスシステム特論(情報科学研究科では情報システム特論)
5月8日(金) 8:50〜12:00 【徳山 豪教授】 情報科学研究科
講義題目 幾何学的離散構造の解析と高速アルゴリズムの設計
5月29日(金) 8:50〜12:00 
               【櫛引 淳一教授】 工学研究科電気・通信工学専攻
講義題目 超精密音波計測による新しい材料分析技術
6月12日(金) 8:50〜12:00 【鈴木 陽一教授】 電気通信研究所
講義題目 臨場感知覚過程の解明と音・マルチメディア情報システム
6月19日(金) 8:50〜12:00 【村岡 裕明教授】 電気通信研究所
講義題目 テラビット垂直磁気記録による大容量情報ストレージシステム
6月26日(金) 8:50〜12:00 
               【澤谷 邦男教授】 工学研究科電気・通信工学専攻
講義題目 高速無線通信用多機能アンテナ
7月10日(金) 13:00〜16:10 【羽生 貴弘教授】 電気通信研究所
講義題目 マルチメディア応用高性能VLSIプロセッサ実現の基盤技術
2. 情報エレクトロニクスシステム特別講義
4月22日(水) 13:00〜17:50   「Lectures on Multi-modal Perception」
      【Prof. Charles Spence】    Oxford University    (講義 1,3)
      【Prof. Jean Vroomen】    Tilburg University    (講義 2)
       電気通信研究所2号館  4階  大会議室
講義題目1 Driving by the seat of your pants! - A Multisensory Approach to capturing driver attention  (13:00-14:30)
概   要 Humans are inherently limited capacity creatures; that is, we are able to process only a restricted amount of sensory information at any given time. It should come as little surprise then that ‘driver inattention’ represents one of the leading causes of car accidents. What’s more, these attentional limitations are currently being exacerbated by the increasing availability of complex in-vehicle technologies, such as navigation systems, cellular phones, etc. The development of new sensor technologies means that your car will soon know that you are about to crash even before you do. However, potential legal issues preclude the implementation of automated control (e.g., braking) systems in commercial vehicles. The problem therefore becomes one of determining how best to alert drivers to potential road dangers while minimizing the incidence of false alarms (which drivers find annoying). I will review traditional approaches to warning signals design, and then describe a number of recent laboratory- and simulator-based studies detailing a novel brain-based approach to the design of auditory, tactile, olfactory, and multisensory warnings signals. The aim of this research is to develop a new class of multisensory warning signals that can direct attention to the appropriate external location while simultaneously priming the appropriate behavioral response on the part of the driver. Such signals offer the potential for improving driver behavior in potentially dangerous situations and so reducing the incidence of road traffic accidents. Finally, I will discuss some of the potential limitations that need to be considered when one starts to think about utilizing the body surface to present tactile information displays.
講義題目2 Intersensory Timing  (14:40-16:10)
概   要 Observers can perceive synchrony between the various senses (e.g., vision, audition, touch) despite naturally occurring timing differences. A substantial amount of research has examined how the brain accomplishes this. I will discuss several issues about intersensory timing and discuss key factors that affect the point of subjective simultaneity and sensitivity to asynchronies. I will also discuss multisensory effects on temporal perception, like temporal ventriloquism.
講義題目3 A multisensory approach to product design  (16:20-17:50)
概   要 The last few years has seen a growing realization amongst scientists that human perception is inherently multisensory. In particular, a rapidly growing body of research now highlights the existence of important connections between the human senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. One consequence of the multisensory nature of our perceptual experience is that changing what a person sees can change what they hear, it can also change what they feel when they touch or use a product, and even what they experience when they eat a particular food. Similarly, research now suggests that changing what a product sounds like, even what it smells like, can also change how it will be perceived, evaluated, and ultimately used. In this talk, I will illustrate how the growing understanding of the rules governing multisensory perception (derived from the field of cognitive neuroscience) can be used to influence the design of a whole range of different products, including everything from mobile phones and vibrating seatbelts (warning signals) in cars, to electric toothbrushes and sonic headphones to improve the dining experience in restaurants. By the end, I hope to have convinced you that a better understanding of the human mind (and the rules used to perceive and to integrate multisensory cues) can lead to the better design of multisensory products, foodstuffs, interfaces, and environments.
音響学概論シリーズ(全7回)     【Dr. Densil Cabrera, University of Sydney】
                        電気通信研究所   1号館   N308
          問い合わせ先: 岩谷幸雄准教授  iwaya(at)riec.tohoku.ac.jp
講義題目 音響学概論
概   要


10月14日 1.音響学の基礎                     16:20 - 17:50
10月21日 2.音響信号処理の基礎          14:40 - 16:10
10月21日 3.心理音響          16:20 - 17:50
11月4日 4.空間音響          14:40 - 16:10
11月4日 5.オーディオシステムと音響レンダリング     16:20 - 17:50
11月18日 6.ソニフィケーション                    14:40 - 16:10
11月18日 7.ソニフィケーションの応用例     16:20 - 17:50
通信ネットワークの最適化テクニックの基礎と応用          資料1  資料2
      ネットワーク1日コース - 全3回 (1月25日)
             【Dr. Danny Tsang, 香港科技大学教授】
              場所: 電気・情報系1号館103講義室
          問い合わせ先: 加藤 寧教授, kato(at)ecei.tohoku.ac.jp
講義題目 Fundamental and Applied Optimization Techniques for Communication Networks
概    要

Research in communication networking is about efficient sharing of network resources such as link bandwidth and router buffer space. The research problem can be formulated as an optimization problem to achieve optimal performance where the performance metric can be delay, throughput, fairness, etc. The complexity of solving the optimization depends on whether the problem is linear or non-linear, constrained or unconstrained, convex or non-convex, etc. In this lecture series, linear programming (LP) will first be introduced since many network optimization models actually are special types of linear programming problems. A remarkably efficient solution technique, the simplex method, will be described. The concept of duality and its many important ramifications in linear programming will also be discussed since the relationships between the dual problem and the original primal problem prove to be extremely useful in many situations. The second part of the lecture will introduce non-linear programming (NLP) since some network optimization problem is non-linear. The optimality conditions, known as the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions will be discussed and the concept of duality will also be introduced. Applications of LP and NLP with specific examples in network optimization will be illustrated. The first application is introduced through the network flow problem which is formulated as a linear programming problem. The third part of the lecture series will continue to discuss about applications specific to network optimization. The example will be drawn from the bandwidth sharing problem. The concept of fairness and Pareto efficiency will be introduced. The optimal bandwidth sharing problem will be formulated as a Network Utility Maximization (NUM) problem. Through the KKT conditions and the duality theory, a distributed method to obtain the optimal solution will be presented to illustrate the important application of duality theory. Students will have the opportunity throughout the course to use the optimization solver, Lingo, to solve some of problems discussed in the course.

10:30 -       12:00
     1-1. Introduction to Linear Programming
     1-2. The Simplex Method
     1-3. Application of Duality Theory
     1-4. Complementary Optimal Solution Property
     1-5. Special LP Formulations
13:00 -       14:30
     2-1. Introduction to Non-Linear programming
     2-2. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) Conditions
     2-3. Duality
     2-4. Network Flow Problem
14:40 -       16:10
     3-1. Bandwidth Sharing Problem
     3-2. Network Utility Maximization (NUM)
     3-3. Dual Decomposition