Heterogeneous intefration based on room temperature bonding technique
Surface activated bonding
Bonding is a core technique for fabrication and packaging of electronics. In particular, the room temperautre bonding has advantages including
・ Less damege to devices
・ integration of various materials including polymer with different coefficient of thermal expansoin
・ environmental-friendly process without long time annealing
・ suppression of misalignment owing to cooling step
・ avoidance of IMC formation
・ high heat resistance without liquid phase bonding interface
We researach and develope the device packaging technology based on surface activated bonding at room temperature.
Small, light, and high functional integrated devices
3D integrated micro optical encoder
Sealing of microcfluidic device by room temperature bonding
Smooting technique of the bonding surface for room temperature bonding
Smoothing by template stripping
Smooth surface is necessary for low temperature bonding. We develope a novel approach for smoothing technology of chip size, patterned, or Au materials which is difficult to smooth by CMP. We combine the template stripping techniquie, by which a thin metal film is transfered to target surface, and surface activated bonding technique for room temeprature bonding.